[Distutils] Moving distribute_setup.py

Tarek Ziadé tarek at ziade.org
Thu Feb 14 19:52:29 CET 2013

On 2/14/13 6:32 PM, Jim Fulton wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Tarek Ziadé <tarek at ziade.org> wrote:
>> Hey
>> As Marc-André suggested, it would be a good thing to move the bootstrapping
>> file to
>> :https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/distribute/distribute_setup.py
> +1
> I need to do something similar for buildout bootstrap files.
> How are you accomplishing this?

By POSTing a multipart/form-data, like what the upload command does for 
sdists : 

I can write a small script that does it  (bascially rip off 
upload.upload_file() and remove the part about the metadata)

We could also write a custom sdist that does this, with an 
extra_dist_files, but oh well.. :)

>> so we can use the PSF certificate and provide a better security scheme
> Yay!
>> I guess we can do the change in zc.buildout and distribute and once it's
>> working, add a permanent redirect on the old address
> You mean from the old to the new?


>> That'll also take care of the bad uptimes I have on my cheap server
>> Any concerns ?
> Not from me.
> Jim

Tarek Ziadé · http://ziade.org · @tarek_ziade

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