[Distutils] A process for removal of PyPi entries

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Sat Jun 1 21:20:05 CEST 2013

On 1 June 2013 16:00, Chris Withers <chris at simplistix.co.uk> wrote:

> I'm afraid I need to -1 on this. If I'm developing a new package, I try
> and avoid putting a release on PyPI until I have something stable, but I'll
> often put up an entry on PyPI explaining where the code is being developed.
> Working on a project for a year only to find that someone else has stolen
> your package name on PyPI (playing devils advocate here, lets say they saw
> the development of GitHub and knew a release was brewing, etc) and having
> to go through and rename everything seems unfairly painful...

I'd say that at a minimum, no deletion should happen without the author
being contacted. As long as there's an author email, and the author
actually replies to emails saying "do you mind if I take  over this project

I'm -1 on anything that doesn't involve at least a minimal level of human
involvement (possibly excepting an initial clean up exercise for projects
with no author email)

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