[Distutils] PEP439 and upgrading pip

Marcus Smith qwcode at gmail.com
Sun Jun 9 22:43:10 CEST 2013

maybe this was covered before, but I'm looking for clarification on how pip
upgrades are to work under PEP439.

I see 3 relevant bits right now:

1) "attempts to import pip machinery. If it can then the pip command
proceeds as normal"

i.e., once it has a pip installed, it doesn't automatically upgrade on
subsequent imports.

2) "A bootstrap is used in the place of a the full pip code so that we
don't have to bundle pip and also the install tool is upgradeable outside
of the regular Python upgrade timeframe and processes"

to be clear, what is the "install tool" here?  pip? or the bootstrap?

3) "Manual installation of the pip implementation will be supported through
the manual download of the wheel file and "pip3 install <downloaded wheel
file>. This installation will not perform standard pip installation steps
of saving the file to a cache directory or updating any local database of
installed files.""

I guess this means "manual upgrades" as well?
this special logic is to be inside pip itself? or an override of "install"
in the bootstrap (that detects when it's a pip wheel)?

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