[Distutils] b.pypi.python.org
ken cochrane
kencochrane at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 14:31:47 CEST 2013
OK, http://www.pypi-mirrors.org is now reporting b.pypi.python.org as N/A
which I believe means the DNS propagation is complete. We can move on to
phase 2 and use Brett's trick to switch to serving 404's for everything for
a little while (how long?) and then fully turn off the app.
On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 3:46 PM, Noah Kantrowitz <noah at coderanger.net> wrote:
> On Jun 7, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Noah Kantrowitz <noah at coderanger.net> wrote:
> >
> > On Jun 7, 2013, at 2:27 PM, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> On Jun 7, 2013, at 5:26 PM, ken cochrane <kencochrane at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> b.pypi.python.org is an official mirror that runs on Google App
> engine, and it uses a special mirror package built just for GAE. Code for
> it is found here. https://bitbucket.org/loewis/pypi-appengine
> >>>>
> >>>> b.pypi.python.org has been broken for over 104 days according to
> http://www.pypi-mirrors.org, and this is because of an issue when we
> switched pypi over to serving over SSL.
> >>>>
> >>>> I have submitted a pull request to fix this.
> https://bitbucket.org/loewis/pypi-appengine/pull-request/2/change-pypi-mirror-connection-to-https/diff#comment-262919 but it hasn't been accepted.
> >>>>
> >>>> I am one of the maintainers of b.pypi.python.org, so I can see the
> logs and push out a new version.
> >>>> I haven't needed to push a version out before, and I'm a little
> hesitant incase I do it wrong and break something.
> >>>>
> >>>> I also don't want to push code to GAE from my fork, until my PR gets
> accepted or else someone else in the future might deploy the original one
> again and remove my fix.
> >>>>
> >>>> Two things:
> >>>>
> >>>> 1. Now that we have the pypi CDN up, do we still need this mirror?
> >>>
> >>> Honestly probably not. Mirrors are less important from a
> availability/speed side of things now and will likely move to being more
> useful for companies and such to use.
> >>>
> >>> OK, what would be the procedure for removing a mirror? Anyone know who
> is in charge of this mirror? I think Guido had it setup when he worked at
> Google, and google is paying for the costs of the mirror, but now that he
> doesn't work for Google, not sure who might be the contact person on that
> side.
> >>>
> >>> I've asked Guido who are admins on the account it to get it turned
> off. If he doesn't know I can try to find out internally.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Brett,
> >>>
> >>> Here is the owner list that I can see on GAE
> >>>
> >>> - guido
> >>> - kencochrane (me)
> >>> - kumar.mcmillan
> >>> - martin.v.loewis
> >>> - r1chardj0n3s
> >>>
> >>> So Guido didn't even know he was an owner. =)
> >>>
> >>> In terms of shutting down the app, you will want to do two things.
> First is empty out the cron.yaml file; it should have nothing more than
> "cron:". After that you probably want to return 404 for everything; see
> http://stackoverflow.com/a/189935/236574 on how to do that for all URLs.
> >>>
> >>> If you want, Ken, I can clone
> https://bitbucket.org/kencochrane/pypi-appengine and send you a pull
> request to do all of this since I recently did something similar for
> py3ksupport.appspot.com when I shut it down.
> >>>
> >>> Brett,
> >>>
> >>> If our goal is to shut it down, then yes please, if you can send a
> pull request that would be great.. We should also probably remove it from
> the pypi mirror pool before we do this so it no longer gets traffic sent
> it's way.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> If we can get it up to date again, I think it is fine, but an out of
> date mirror is not useful to anyone, and it could cause problems in the
> long run.
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> 2. If yes to 1. if someone can take a minute to review my PR, and
> leave comments, or if you have the power, accept my pull request and push
> out a new version so we can get the mirror up to date.
> >>>
> >>> I don't have such permission sadly.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Thank you anyway.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> Paging Noah to kill the DNS Unless there's any objections to removing
> it?
> >
> > If no one complains in the next 24-ish hours I'll just point it back at
> pypi.python.org like we did with d.pypi.
> This is now complete. In another 24 hours there should be no traffic to
> the GAE app and it can just be archived or deleted.
> --Noah
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