[Distutils] PEP 427 (wheel) clarifications

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sun Mar 10 23:56:53 CET 2013

On 11 Mar 2013 04:38, "Daniel Holth" <dholth at gmail.com> wrote:
> A few more clarifications to PEP 427 "wheel".
> +    The ``b'#!pythonw'`` convention is allowed. ``b'#!pythonw'``
> +    a GUI script instead of a console script.
> +
> ...
>      { "hash": "sha256=ADD-r2urObZHcxBW3Cr-vDCu5RJwT4CaRTHiFmbcIYY" }
> +(The hash value is the same format used in RECORD.)
> +
> +What's the deal with "purelib" vs. "platlib"?
> +    Wheel preserves the historic "purelib" vs. "platlib" distinction
> +    even though both map to the same install location in any system the
> +    author could find.
> +
> +    For example, a wheel with "Root-Is-Purelib: false" with all its files
> +    in ``{name}-{version}.data/purelib`` is equivalent to a wheel with
> +    "Root-Is-Purelib: true" with those same files in the root, and it
> +    is legal to have files in both the "purelib" and "platlib"
> +
> +    In practice a wheel should have only one of "purelib" or "platlib"
> +    depending on whether it is pure Python or not and those files should
> +    be at the root.

This isn't entirely accurate - purelib vs platlib is there mainly for
distro maintainers converting to distro specific layouts, and anyone that
moves purelib on to a common network share.

Agreed that wheels are easier to deal with when they only use one or the
other, though.


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