[Distutils] Builders vs Installers

Daniel Holth dholth at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 20:03:51 CET 2013

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 3:15 PM, PJ Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:
>> More specifically, I was hoping to move the discussion forward on
>> nailing down some of the details that still need specifying in a PEP
>> somewhere, to finish out what the "new world" of packaging will look
>> like.
> I'm deliberately trying to postpone some of those decisions - one of
> the reasons distutils2 foundered is because it tried to solve
> everything at once, and that's just too big a topic.
> So, *right now*, my focus is on making it possible to systematically
> decouple building from installing, so that running "setup.py install"
> on a production system becomes as bizarre an idea as running "make
> install".
> As we move further back in the tool chain, I want to follow the lead
> of the most widely deployed package management systems (i.e. Debian
> control files and RPM SPEC files) and provide appropriate configurable
> hooks for *invoking* archivers and builders, allowing developers to
> choose their own tools, so long as those tools correctly emit
> standardised formats understood by the rest of the Python packaging
> ecosystem.
> In the near term, however, these hooks will still be based on setup.py
> (specifically setuptools rather than raw distutils, so we can update
> older versions of Python).
>> OTOH, I suppose a case could be made for checking PKG-INFO into source
>> control along with the rest of your code, in which case the problem
>> disappears entirely: there'd be no such thing as a "raw" source in
>> that case.
>> The downside, though, is that there's a small but vocal contingent
>> that believes checking generated files into source control is a sign
>> of ultimate evil, so it probably won't be a *popular* choice.
>> But, if we support "either you have a setup.cfg specifying your
>> archiver, or a PKG-INFO so an archiver isn't needed", then that would
>> probably cover all the bases, actually.
> Yeah, you're probably right that we will need to support something
> else in addition to the PKG-INFO file. A PKG-INFO.in could work,
> though, rather than a completely independent format like setup.cfg.
> That way we could easily separate a source checkout/tarball (with
> PKG-INFO.in) from an sdist (with PKG-INFO) from a wheel (with a named
> .dist-info directory).
> (For consistency, we may want to rename PKG-INFO to DIST-INFO in sdist
> 2.0, though)
> Cheers,
> Nick.
> --
> Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

With Metadata 2.0 it's pretty feasible that sdists will have a
trustworthy PKG-INFO at their root since there can be a lot less
changing of requires-dist based on whether you are on win32 (perhaps
occasionally still changing based on things we forgot to put into
environment marker variables). It would not be surprising to see them
also grow a full .dist-info directory (with an unfortunate copy of
PKG-INFO, named METADATA) just like sdists tend to contain .egg-info
directories. You might always regenerate the file anyway as long as
you're running the package's build system.

I think PKG-INFO is a highly human-editable format. My hypothetical
sdist archiver would validate PKG-INFO instead of regenerating it.

It should be clear that I am also in the deliberately postpone as much
as possible camp.


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