[Distutils] Self-contained boostrap scripts [was: Re: A new, experimental packaging tool: distil]

Daniel Holth dholth at gmail.com
Thu Mar 28 13:45:24 CET 2013

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 8:43 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 28 March 2013 12:26, Daniel Holth <dholth at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The launcher will be updated to understand this format and Python will
>> register this filename association when it is installed.
> The launcher should need no changes. The Python msi installer would
> need a change to register the new extension, though.
> And *creating* such zips is mildly annoying on Windows, due to a
> general lack of tool support for manipulating binary files in text
> editors.
> Oh, and wouldn't "#!/usr/bin/env python(w)" be a better header? That
> would work on Unix, and the launcher recognises that format.
> But +1 on the idea in general.
> Paul

There is no 'cat header zip > newzip'?

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