[Distutils] Overriding dependency versions

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Thu May 16 15:31:08 CEST 2013

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 10:36 PM, Daniel Holth <dholth at gmail.com> wrote:
> Why don't we simply provide an option to ignore == if it is not a
> "root" dependency?

I don't understand what you mean.


> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Jim Fulton <jim at zope.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 10:16 AM, Ian Cordasco
>> <graffatcolmingov at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 10:12 AM, Reinout van Rees <reinout at vanrees.org> wrote:
>>>> On 13-05-13 15:57, Ian Cordasco wrote:
>>>>> If I release a library dependent upon a particular API in one version
>>>>> of a dependency and before I release my next version I notice plans to
>>>>> break the existing API, why shouldn't I pin the version to protect
>>>>> users (or at least provide a maximum version) from getting horrible
>>>>> exceptions?
>>>> Best example: if you pin "somelibrary=1.2" in your library, none of your
>>>> users can use the critical 1.2.1 bugfix release.
>>> Thanks to you and Daniel. (I accidentally replied to Daniel off-list.)
>>> I had just been advised by someone formerly a part of the distutils
>>> (or distribute, I forget which) team that you either pin or don't. I
>>> try not to, but there have been occasions where I found it necessary.
>>> I'll certainly move forward a better developer for your explanations.
>> <soapbox>Unfortunately, when people discuss solutions, they often
>> forget to state the problem they're thinking of.</soapbox>
>> As Daniel pointed out, when deploying an *application*, you should
>> generally pin all of your dependencies, so you can reproduce the
>> deployment.  This can be done via the apps setup.cfg, pip requirements
>> or buildout versions.
>> When releasing libraries, you should restrict versions as little as
>> possible. The more you restrict dependency versions, the harder your
>> library is to use. A common recommendation is to set a minimum version
>> to the lowest version of the dependency known to work and to set the
>> maximum version to less then the next major release:
>>   >=2, <3dev
>> In practice, most people just set a lower bound, if any.
>> Jim
>> --
>> Jim Fulton
>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/jimfulton
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Jim Fulton

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