[Distutils] pypi protocol

Richard Jones richard at python.org
Mon May 27 01:09:37 CEST 2013

The only interface documentation is linked from
http://wiki.python.org/moin/CheeseShopDev which includes PEP 301 and

The rest is documented-in-code.


On 27 May 2013 06:08, Jonas Geiregat <jonas at geiregat.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm fairly interested in the internals of pypi.
> Ultimately pypi is a HTTP interface to a package database.
> I went looking for a document, blog post or anything describing the
> communication between pypi client and server.
> I ended up reading pypiserver's source code to find out the internals.
> Is there a reason why there haven't been a PEP describing the pypi
> interface ?
> Regards,
> Jonas.
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