[Distutils] Good news everyone, PyPI is behind a CDN

Lennart Regebro regebro at gmail.com
Mon May 27 07:19:52 CEST 2013

On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 7:34 PM, Noah Kantrowitz <noah at coderanger.net> wrote:
> </farnsworth>
> but seriously, at long last today it was my honor to throw the DNS switch to move PyPI to the Fastly caching CDN. I would like to thank Donald Stufft for doing much of the heavy lifting on the PyPI side, and to Fastly for graciously offering to host us. What does this mean for everyone? Well the biggest change is PyPI should get a whole lot faster. There are two major downsides however. There will now be a delay of several minutes in some cases between updating a package and having it be installable, and download counts will now be even more incorrect than they were before. The PyPI admins are discussing what to do about download counts long-term, but for now we all feel that the performance and availability benefits outweigh the loss. If anyone has any questions, or hears anything about issues with PyPI please don't hesitate to contact me.

This is going to spell disaster for the coffee industry, as you no
longer have to take a coffee break when re-running a buildout.



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