[Distutils] [ANN] pypiserver 1.1.1 - minimal private pypi server

Ralf Schmitt ralf at systemexit.de
Wed May 29 10:33:35 CEST 2013

Jonas Geiregat <jonas at geiregat.org> writes:

> Hello Ralf,
> I already started working on your code and using it a s a base for my pypiserver project.
> Thanks again, great piece of minimal work!

Thanks! What features do you plan to implement? 

Maybe some of that functionality is already available in other
implementations. http://bitofcheese.blogspot.de/2013/05/local-pypi-options.html
contains a nice rundown of alternative implementations. I've tested
proxypypi and it's quite nice if you need a caching proxy. I assume
devpi-server is also quite good given the fact that it's author produces
really nice work.


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