[Distutils] A process for removal of PyPi entries

Vinay Sajip vinay_sajip at yahoo.co.uk
Fri May 31 23:59:31 CEST 2013

Tres Seaver <tseaver <at> palladion.com> writes:

> Why all the extras:  if somebody wants to claim a project name, but can't
> upload a release for six months, they should just lose.  I would actually
> be willing to have that cut down to a day:  trying to grab the name
> before registering / uploading a release should result in loss of the claim.

Six months does seem somewhat long, but I think a day is draconian. For
example, I registered the PyPI name for "distil" when I first thought of the
name (part way through developing it, but some weeks before the first
release). The first release makes first impressions, so it makes sense to
take care over it, and that takes time - sometimes, more than a few days.
While I don't think people should be able to claim and park project names
indefinitely, the choice of a project name is not totally trivial, and if a
developer picks a name they like for one of their projects and it's
available, I don't believe they should be forced to upload their first
release too soon. This doesn't seem like an issue which requires precipitate
measures. (I do agree with the general sentiments of tightening up on
project names, and having a process to harvest claimed but unused project
names after a decent interval.)


Vinay Sajip

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