[Distutils] AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'split'

Dominique Orban dominique.orban at gmail.com
Fri Oct 25 20:05:32 CEST 2013

On 25 October, 2013 at 1:56:26 PM, Oscar Benjamin (oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com) wrote:
>On Oct 25, 2013 3:52 PM, "Dominique Orban"  
>> On 25 October, 2013 at 9:31:16 AM, Oscar Benjamin (
>oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com) wrote:
>> >
>> >On 24 October 2013 21:04, Dominique Orban wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I hope this is the right place to ask for help. I'm not finding much
>comfort in the PyPi documentation or in Google searches. I uploaded my
>package `pykrylov` with `python setup.py sdist upload`. Installing it
>locally with `python setup.py` install works fine but `pip install
>pykrylov` breaks with the messages below. I since removed it from PyPI but
>I get the same error message if I try installing from the git repository.
>I'm hoping someone can put me on track as I've no idea what's wrong. You
>can see my setup.py here:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> I'm using Python 2.7.5 on OSX installed with Homebrew and pip 1.4.1.
>Attempts to upgrade setuptools or pip result in another error message
>(AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'rollback')...
>> >
>> >Can you install a more recent setuptools by downloading it and running
>> >the setup.py yourself?
>> >
>> Thanks for the suggestion. I'm still getting the same error with
>setuptools 1.1.6. I also tried "upgrading" Numpy (since I'm using Numpy
>distutils) by installing from their git repository, and I'm still getting
>the same error.
>> Is anything obviously wrong with the setup.py?
>I don't know but I'm not totally clear what you mean. Previously you
>described multiple problems: with pip, setuptools and pykrylov. Have you
>successfully installed setuptools now?
>If the "same error" is with pykrylov's setup.py have you tried debugging
>it? E.g. 'python -m pdb setup.py install'

"python setup.py install" works fine. It's the installation with pip that returns the error message I mentioned. I was wondering if something in setup.py didn't agree with pip/setuptools.

Yes I installed setuptools 1.1.6. But "pip install -e git://github.com/dpo/pykrylov.git@ea553cd#egg=pykrylov" still returns "AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'split'".

I hope I'm making sense.


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