[Distutils] defining requirements on pypi

Marcus Smith qwcode at gmail.com
Thu Aug 28 20:41:45 CEST 2014

On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 2:51 PM, Brett Graham <brettgraham at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I feel like these are stupid questions but I cannot seem to find a
> straight answer.
> In brief,
> 1) what is egg-info/requires.txt used for?
> 2) how do I properly define requirements for pypi?
> The details are:
> I'm updating some packages on pypi and am having difficulty defining
> requirements.
> One of the packages in question is: pypi.python.org/pypi/jsui
> I'm initially defining the requirements in a requirements.txt that then
> gets parsed in setup.py and install_requires gets set to the contents of
> requirements.txt. Some of the output from python setup.py sdist build is
> below. The resulting requires.txt in jsui.egg-info is:
> flask
> wsrpc
> However, when I upload this to pypi with "python setup.py sdist upload"
> I'm not seeing these requirements listed nor does pip installing the
> package install the requirements

when I install jsui from pypi, it finds and installs flask and wsrpc.
what you've done is working.

in general though, I wouldn't parse "install_requires" from a requirements
It's mixing use cases.

see the "install_requires vs requirements files" section in the Python
Packaging User Guide
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