[Distutils] Local version identifiers from PEP 440 in practice

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Wed Dec 17 13:40:44 CET 2014

Maurits van Rees schreef op 17-12-14 13:07:
> Babel and buildout
> ------------------
> With the earlier given buildout, I added an extra directory to the
> find-links:
> find-links = http://pypi.zestsoftware.nl/public/packagingtest/
> http://pypi.zestsoftware.nl/public/
> Then I updated the Babel version in the [versions] section.
> - Babel = 2.0a1.zest.20141021
>    * Works in setuptools 7.
>    * Does not work setuptools 8:
>      Error: Bad constraint 2.0a1.zest.20141021 Babel>=0.8
> - Babel = 2.0a1-zest.20141216
>    * Works in setuptools 7.
>    * Does not work setuptools 8:
>      Error: Bad constraint 2.0a1.zest.20141021 Babel>=0.8
> - Babel = 2.0a1+zest.201412162
>    * Does not work in setuptools 8:
>      ValueError: ("Expected ',' or end-of-list in",
> 'Babel[]==2.0a1+zest.201412162', 'at', '+zest.201412162')
>    * Works in setuptools 8

Sorry, that last part should have been:
- Babel = 2.0a1+zest.201412162
    * Does not work in setuptools *7*:
      ValueError: ("Expected ',' or end-of-list in",
'Babel[]==2.0a1+zest.201412162', 'at', '+zest.201412162')
    * Works in setuptools 8

Maurits van Rees: http://maurits.vanrees.org/
Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl

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