[Distutils] Role of setuptools and eggs in "modern" distributing...

Chris Barker chris.barker at noaa.gov
Wed Dec 31 01:42:42 CET 2014

On Tue, Dec 30, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Reinout van Rees <reinout at vanrees.org>

> Well, we're in a bit of the same boat here. We make django websites, which
> means pretty much well-behaved setup.py-using pure python stuff.
> The websites are heavy users of numpy/scipy/pandas/matplotlib and of the
> geo packages like gdal/mapnik/pyproj. Ouch.

yup -- this is pretty much out stack (though pyramid in our case...) Funny,
though, as coming from my background, I see it as a scipy stack app with a
little web stuff, rather than a web app that needs some scipy stuff ;-)

But the core problem here is that the scipy folks have been going to conda
and enthought to solve their pacakgeing problems, and the web folks have
been doing pip, and maybe buildout -- so you get a bit of mess when you mix

> The combination we use now is to use buildout (instead of pip) in
> combination with the "syseggrecipe" (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/
> syseggrecipe) buildout add-on. Syseggrecipe allows us to depend
> explicitly on **system** packages for gdal/matplotlib/mapnik/scipy/numpy.
> Which takes care of most of the compilation headaches.

well, it sounds like you are simple punting -- passing off all the complex
stuff to the system, which may work well if the system is up to date linux
with the packages you need available, but pretty worthless on a Mac or
Windows box.

The scipy folks have been doing a pretty good job lately keeping up with
wheels, but there's still a big hole there for the geo stuff.(GDAL,
Shapely, Fiona)

So I've been looking at going the Anaconda route -- it provides the hard
stuff, though it turns out it's a bit ugly when using it as a development
environment for extensions liked against libs that are both in the system
and Anaconda provided.

Antoine Pitrou wrote:

> Note you can use pip inside conda environments, which works quite well
> at least for pure Python packages (start with "conda install pip").

True -- though it gets a bit ugly, as then conda doesn't know about the
packages, so switching environments is a mess, and  conda can't manage the
dependencies. So not ideal. I've actually spend the last two days writing a
script that auto-grabs packages from PyPI, builds conda packages out of
them, and then uploads them to binstar -- so we can have all our
dependencies supported by conda.

I'd love it if Continuum would build a "pip bridge" on binstar that would
do all that automagically if you request a pip-installable package from

> Just throwing this into the mix as a potential solution. Note that you'll
> get to explain buildout to your users, but... :-)

yup -- not sure I want to go there yet, either...



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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