[Distutils] wheels on sys.path clarification (reboot)

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 23:59:15 CET 2014

But that's what I'm saying, there are only three ways to break this

1. Changing the wheel format in such a way that we drop support for being
able to install simple wheel files without a specialised installer
2. Break zipimport itself to explicitly disallow wheel files
3. Switch to a zipimport incompatible compression scheme

The first two aren't going to happen, which leaves only the third.

You appear to be saying that you would like to reserve the right to switch
to a zipimport incompatible compression format in future versions of the
wheel spec. If you're *not* saying that, then what independent design
decision is there to be discussed that makes the new FAQ anything other
than a clarification of the status quo? The rest of the behaviour is
inherent in the "no specialised installer needed" feature.

People saying "I didn't realise that the current design implied zipimport
compatibility" is *why* I added the clarification, so it's not a compelling
argument in convincing me that the clarification wasn't needed or is

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