[Distutils] Nested list as value in setup argument

Robert Kuska rkuska at redhat.com
Tue Nov 4 14:41:23 CET 2014

Hello everyone,

is there any reason why would someone enclose values in setup.py file
of setup argument into nested list? Why I ask?

Recently I have received bug report[0] which is affected by this feature and 
before I proceed to fix this I would like to know the reason why would
someone do that and what perks does it bring (my plan is to flat this
nested list).

pkginfo; setup.py;

 45     entry_points={                                                                                  
 46       'console_scripts': [                                                                          
 47         ['pkginfo = pkginfo.commandline:main']                                                      
 48       ]                                                                                             
 49     },

I couldn't find anything about that in setuptools docs so I hope
it is ok to ask here.


Robert Kuska 

[0] https://bitbucket.org/bkabrda/pyp2rpm/issue/21/attributeerror-list-object-has-no

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