[Distutils] Wheels and dependent third party dlls on windows
Chris Barker
chris.barker at noaa.gov
Wed Oct 1 21:02:40 CEST 2014
On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 9:44 AM, David Genest <david.genest at ubisoft.com>
> - We are merely writing extension modules with third party dependent code
> packaged in a dll. In my mind, this use case is not the exception, and
> would not necessarily warrant the use of a full blown solution like conda.
agreed -- it is not rare, so yes, it would be nice if the core python
(pypa) systems addressed it. But like David said, Windows makes this really
> - If you run python setup.py bdist_wheel, the dlls specified in the
> scripts parameter end up in the wheel archive and does what is needed for
> our setup. (the dlls are copied to the scripts directory which is on PATH
> for the activated environment).
If this is the PATH only for that environment, then this is probably fine.
But one of the biggest sources of "dll hell" is that the same PATH is used
for executables and dlls, and that dlls placed next to executables will be
found. this means that any old app could find any old dll on teh PATH, and
that there are a lot of dll on teh PATH.
So putting dlls into the python "scripts" or "bin" dir is a bad idea in
general -- who know what apps may find them?
Couple this with the (absolutely incomprehensible to me) habit of folks to
use short (still 8.3) names for dlls, without much version info, and you
really have a mess.
So if you do put your dlls into the Script dir -- do please give them nice
long descriptive names!
But isn't there a library or somethign directory where other python dlls
are that could be used instead? then you could get clashes between python
extensions, but it wouldn't clash with anything else on the system.
> In an ideal world, the scripts directory would be called bin, like the
> unix counter-part,
why does the name matter at all?
> and any dependency, being startup scripts or dlls could be installed in
> the bin/ "environment global space". This path would be added to the python
> startup sequence (in order to not rely on the env's activate).
ouch -- no dlls and top level scripts don't belong in the same place,
ANother option is to make a python package that has little other than that
dll in it, then yoru packaged list it as a dependency, and I _THINK_ there
is some relative path magic that you can do so that your other extensions
can find it.
Anyone know what Anaconda does on Windows?
> 1) add the dependent dlls to every package that needs it (Steve's answer
> https://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2014-September/024982.html
> concurs that the dependent dll would be loaded only once)
If Steve is correct, which he probably is -- this is a great way to go.
Alternatively, alter my suggestion above a bit -- and have your "dll
package" have a tiny extension that does nothing but link the dll in. then
everything that depends on that dll will have a "import
the_funny_dll_package" line at the top -- and this ends up looking just
like a regular old python dependency.
Again, make sure to use a descriptive enough name for the dll so that it
doesn't clash with other packages (Not yours) that may use the same
(similar) dll.
Does the community still think this is a "I would not design my solution
> like yours" use-case ? The extension modules are a really good way to
> accelerate python, so they are bound to be constructed with other dependent
> libraries. It is not only a sdist world :-), particularly on Windows.
this is common problem we'd all love to be able to solve! (and conda does
and sdist doesn't help anyway -- folks need to build and install it somehow
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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