[Distutils] Taking over an inactive package

Bence Nagy bence at underyx.me
Tue Sep 2 19:08:49 CEST 2014

Hey there,

I've submitted a pull request on GitHub[0] for the package
Flask-Redis[1] 6 months ago. It didn't contain anything of real
importance, but I haven't heard back from the developer since then.
I've contacted him both via Twitter and email, to no avail. Is there
any way to take over the package in these cases? I figured this would
be a small enough package to start my open source career off with.

[0]: https://github.com/rhyselsmore/flask-redis/pull/7
[1]: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask-Redis

Excuse me if this is irrelevant (as this list usually seems to
accomodate for more technical talk), #python directed me here with my


Bence Nagy (Underyx)

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