[Distutils] Fwd: New classifiers

Pekka Klärck peke at iki.fi
Fri Sep 26 10:27:07 CEST 2014

Forwarding the mail here because catalog-sig has apparently been
retired. You might want to update references to it at

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pekka Klärck <peke at iki.fi>
Date: 2014-09-26 11:22 GMT+03:00
Subject: New classifiers
To: catalog-sig at python.org


Robot Framework <http://robotframework.org> is a generic acceptance
level test automation framework implemented with Python. The core
framework and quite a few test libraries and other tools related to it
are available on PyPI:

Would it be possible to get a separate classifier for Robot Framework?
Probably something like `Framework :: Robot Framework`.

It would also be convenient to have these two new sub-classifiers:

Topic :: Software Development :: Testing :: Unit
Topic :: Software Development :: Testing :: Acceptance

Agile Tester/Developer/Consultant :: http://eliga.fi
Lead Developer of Robot Framework :: http://robotframework.org

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