[Distutils] pip/warehouse feature idea: "help needed"
Wes Turner
wes.turner at gmail.com
Sat Apr 11 20:35:31 CEST 2015
On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 1:14 PM, Wes Turner <wes.turner at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Marc Abramowitz <msabramo at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Interesting. One of the things that would help with getting people to
>> help and is in the PEPs but last I checked wasn't yet implemented is the
>> metadata that allows putting in all kinds of URLs and the ones I'm
>> primarily thinking of here are the source code repository URL and the issue
>> tracker URL.
> http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0459/:
> PEP:459Title:Standard Metadata Extensions for Python Software Packages
> Version:471651c1fe20Last-Modified:2014-07-02 22:55:34 -0700 (Wed, 02 Jul
> 2014) <http://hg.python.org/peps/file/tip/pep-0459.txt>Author:Nick
> Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>BDFL-Delegate:Nick Coghlan <
> ncoghlan at gmail.com>Discussions-To:Distutils SIG <distutils-sig at
> python.org <distutils-sig at python.org?subject=PEP%20459>>Status:DraftType:Standards
> TrackContent-Type:text/x-rst <http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0012>
> Requires:426 <http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0426>Created:11 Nov
> 2013Post-History:21 Dec 2013
> A JSON-LD context would be outstanding.
> - [ ] Additional properties for {...} (see RDFJS
> https://text.allmende.io/p/rdfjs ## Tools Schema)
>> I personally sigh when I see a PyPI page that lists its URL as said PyPI
>> page as this seems redundant and not useful and I'd rather see a GitHub or
>> Bitbucket URL (or maybe a foo-project.org or readthedocs URL, but I the
>> repo URL is usually what I'm most interested in).
>> If we had the metadata with all the different kinds of URLs and the tools
>> to show it and search it, then it would be clearer what to put where and
>> would make it easier for consumers to find what they're looking for.
>> Another thought I had while reading your email was the OpenHatch project
>> and if there could be some tie-in with that.
>> It also would be interesting if package maintainers had a channel to
>> communicate with their user base. Back when I was at Yahoo, our proprietary
>> package tool kept track of all installs of packages and stored the
>> information in a centralized database. As a result, a package maintainer
>> could see how many people had installed each version of their package and
>> could send emails to folks who had installed a particular version or folks
>> who had installed any version. A lot of folks used this to warn user bases
>> about security issues, bugs, deprecations, etc. and to encourage folks to
>> upgrade to newer versions and monitor the progress of such efforts.
> Links to e.g. cvedetails, lists, and RSS feeds would be super helpful.
> Links to e.g. IRC, Slack, Gitter would be super helpful.
> Where Links == {edges, predicates, new metadata properties}
Links to downstream packages (and their RSS feeds) would also be helpful.
* Debian has RDF (and also more structured link types that would be useful
for project metadata)
* changelog / "release notes"
* build lods
* https://wiki.debian.org/RDF
* https://packages.qa.debian.org/p/python3-defaults.html
* https://packages.qa.debian.org/p/python3-defaults.ttl
What URI should pypi:readme or warehouse:readme expand to?
@prefix pypi: <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/> ;
@prefix warehouse: <https://warehouse.python.org/project/> ;
@prefix github: <https://github.com/> ;
* pypi:json["info"]["name"] ( + ".json" )
* warehouse:json["info"]["name"]
* github:json["info"]["name"]
@prefix doap: <http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap#> ;
* http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/vocabs/doap
@prefix schema: <http://schema.org/> ;
* schema:SoftwareApplication -> https://schema.org/SoftwareApplication
* schema:Code -> https://schema.org/Code
* schema:Project -> TODO (new framework for extension vocabularies)
Should/could there be a pypa: namespace?
@prefix pypa: <https://pypa.github.io/ns/pypa/#> ;
* [ ] { PEP Metadata -> JSON-LD, pypa.ttl RDF Ontology }
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