[Distutils] Beyond wheels 1.0: helping downstream, FHS and more
Chris Barker
chris.barker at noaa.gov
Mon Apr 13 18:56:02 CEST 2015
NOTE: I don't work for any of the companies involved -- just a somewhat
frustrated user... And someone that has been trying for years to make
things easier for OS-X users.
I’m not sure what (3) means exactly. What is a “normal” Python, do you
>> modify Python in a way that breaks the ABI but which isn’t reflected in the
>> standard ABI tag?
> It could be multiple things. The most obvious one is that generally.
> cross-platforms python distributions will try to be "relocatable" (i.e. the
> whole installation can be moved and still work). This means they require
> python itself to be built a special way. Strictly speaking, it is not an
> ABI issue, but the result is the same though: you can't use libraries from
> anaconda or canopy on top of a normal python
But why not? -- at least for Anaconda, it's because those libraries likely
have non-python dependencies, which are expected to be installed in a
particular way. And really, this is not particular to Anaconda/Canopy at
all. Python itself has no answer for this issue, and eggs and wheels don't
help. Well, maybe kinda sorta they do, but in a clunky/ugly way: in order
to build a binary wheel with non-python dependencies (let's say something
like libjpeg, for instance), you need to either:
- assume that libjpeg is installed in a "standard" place -- really no
solution at all (at least outside of linux)
- statically link it
- ship the dynamic lib with the package
For the most part, the accepted solution for OS-X has been to statically
link, but:
- it's a pain to do. The gnu toolchain really likes to use dynamic
linking, and building a static lib that will run on a
maybe-older-than-the-build-system machine is pretty tricky.
- now we end up with multiple copies of the same lib in the python
install. There are a handful of libs that are used a LOT. Maybe there is no
real downside -- disk space and memory are cheap these days, but it sure
feels ugly. And I have yet to feel comfortable with having multiple
versions of the same lib linked into one python instance -- I can't say
I've seen a problem, but it makes me nervous.
On Windows, the choices are the same, except that: It is so much harder to
build many of the "standard" open source libs that package authors are more
likely to do it for folks, and you do get the occasional "dll hell" issues.
I had a plan to make some binary wheels for OS-X that were not really
python packages, but actually just bundled up libs, so that other wheels
could depend on them. OS-X does allow linking to relative paths, so this
should have been doable, but I never got anyone else to agree this was a
good idea, and I never found the roundtoits anyway. And it doesn't really
fit into the PyPi, pip, wheel, etc. philosphy to have dependencies that are
platform dependent and even worse, build-dependent.
Meanwhile, conda was chugging along and getting a lot of momentum in the
Scientific community. And the core thing here is that conda was designed
from the ground up to support essentially anything, This means is supports
python packages that depend on non-python packages, but also supports
packages that have nothing to do with python (Perl, command line tools,
what have you...)
So I have been focusing on conda lately.
Which brings me back to the question: should the python tools (i.e. wheel)
be extended to support more use-cases, specifically non-python
dependencies? Or do we just figure that that's a problem better solved by
projects with a larger scope (i.e. rpm, deb, conda, canopy).
I'm on the fence here. I mostly care about Python, and I think we're pretty
darn close with allowing wheel to support the non-python dependencies,
which would allow us all to "simply pip install" pretty much anything --
that would be cool. But maybe it's a bit of a slippery slope, and if we go
there, we'll end up re-writing conda.
BTW, while you can't generally install a conda package in/for another
python, you can generally install a wheel in a conda python....There are a
few issues with pip/setuptools trying to resolve dependencies while not
knowing about conda packages, but it does mostly work.
Not sure that helped the discussion -- but I've been wrestling with this
for a while, so thought I'd get my thoughts out there.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
Chris.Barker at noaa.gov
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