[Distutils] Module from install breaks subsequent install of different distribution

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Tue Jan 20 00:11:33 CET 2015

Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com> writes:

> On 01/19/2015 04:57 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
> > My current position would be: that's a bug in Setuptools, it should
> > not be applying entry points defined for package FOO when running the
> > setup for some other package BAR.
> > 
> > Is that right? Should I report a bug against Setuptools for this 
> > behaviour?
> Notabug. setuptools itself is extensible by means of entry points.
> Both entry points in your example (as cited by Marius) demonstrate
> that: one adds support for a new keyword argument to 'setup()'[1], and
> the other defines a new "writer" for 'egg-info'[2]. By design, both of
> those are supposed to be loaded / available for any invocation of
> 'setup()' in a Python where the are installed (not merely for packages
> which "mention" them).

I can see the logic when it's explained, but that doesn't make it not a
bug IMO. That's a pretty astonishing behaviour: a declaration in the
setup for one package has a mystifying effect on the setup of other

I won't press the point. Hopefully, though, someone does consider it a
bug worth fixing.

 \       “To have the choice between proprietary software packages, is |
  `\      being able to choose your master. Freedom means not having a |
_o__)                        master.” —Richard M. Stallman, 2007-05-16 |
Ben Finney

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