[Distutils] setup_requires for dev environments

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Mon Mar 16 03:17:06 CET 2015

Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> writes:

> For context, the main use I have for setup_requires these days is
> projects with a version contained within the project, and for the use
> of pbr in openstack (and some other git hosted) projects.


> The openstack projects have a nice solution I think, which is that
> they write the egg metadata file and then read that back - both at
> runtime via pbr helpers and at build time when pbr takes over the
> build.

I'm not using ‘pbr’, but yes, a big bundle of “create an egg-info file
and read it back” custom Setuptools code was the clumsy solution I ended
up with for this in ‘python-daemon’ 2.x.

If that boilerplate could be removed, and “this is a dependency for
build actions only” could just work for all users, I would be quite

 \        “The problem with television is that the people must sit and |
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Ben Finney

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