[Distutils] New PEP : dependency specification

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Nov 11 01:11:56 EST 2015

I've pushed up a major edit resulting from various reviews + IRC discussion.

 - replaced the ABNF grammar with a parsley grammar, which is
functionally the same but we can directly execute. sample code doing
that is now also included in the PEP.
 - added some basic tests
 - dropped the new variables that depended on now deprecated platform.dist
 - made the fallback from PEP-440 to string comparisons better worded
 - reinstated the ~= and === operators with appropriate warnings about
adoption within markers. They shouldn't have been removed from version
comparisons in the first place, so that was a bugfix.
 - fixed a bug in the marker language that happened somewhere in
PEP-426. In PEP 345 markers were strictly 'LHS OP RHS' followed by AND
or OR and then another marker expression. The grammar in PEP-426
however allowed things like "(python_version) and
(python_version=='2.7')" which I believe wasn't actually the intent -
truthy values are not defined there. So the new grammar does not allow
("fred" and "bar") or other such things - and and or are exclusively
between well defined expressions now.


commit 874538b3e6a5dd6421517e519e63162c3fc30194
Author: Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Date:   Fri Nov 6 16:25:57 2015 +1300

    Define dependency specifications formally.

diff --git a/dependency-specification.rst b/dependency-specification.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b38550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dependency-specification.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+:Title: Dependency specification for Python Software Packages
+:Version: $Revision$
+:Last-Modified: $Date$
+:Author: Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
+:BDFL-Delegate: Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io>
+:Discussions-To: distutils-sig <distutils-sig at python.org>
+:Status: Draft
+:Type: Standards Track
+:Content-Type: text/x-rst
+:Created: 11-Nov-2015
+:Post-History: XX
+This PEP specifies the language used to describe dependencies for packages.
+It draws a border at the edge of describing a single dependency - the
+different sorts of dependencies and when they should be installed is a higher
+level problem. The intent is provide a building block for higher layer
+The job of a dependency is to enable tools like pip [#pip]_ to find the right
+package to install. Sometimes this is very loose - just specifying a name, and
+sometimes very specific - referring to a specific file to install. Sometimes
+dependencies are only relevant in one platform, or only some versions are
+acceptable, so the language permits describing all these cases.
+The language defined is a compact line based format which is already in
+widespread use in pip requirements files, though we do not specify the command
+line option handling that those files permit. There is one caveat - the
+URL reference form, specified in PEP-440 [#pep440]_ is not actually
+implemented in pip, but since PEP-440 is accepted, we use that format rather
+than pip's current native format.
+Any specification in the Python packaging ecosystem that needs to consume
+lists of dependencies needs to build on an approved PEP for such, but
+PEP-426 [#pep426]_ is mostly aspirational - and there are already existing
+implementations of the dependency specification which we can instead adopt.
+The existing implementations are battle proven and user friendly, so adopting
+them is arguably much better than approving an aspirational,
unconsumed, format.
+All features of the language shown with a name based lookup::
+    requests [security,tests] >= 2.8.1, == 2.8.* ; python_version < "2.7.10"
+A minimal URL based lookup::
+    pip @ https://github.com/pypa/pip/archive/1.3.1.zip#sha1=da9234ee9982d4bbb3c72346a6de940a148ea686
+A dependency specification always specifies a distribution name. It may
+include extras, which expand the dependencies of the named distribution to
+enable optional features. The version installed can be controlled using
+version limits, or giving the URL to a specific artifact to install. Finally
+the dependency can be made conditional using environment markers.
+We first cover the grammar briefly and then drill into the semantics of each
+section later.
+A distribution specification is written in ASCII text. We use a parsley
+[#parsley]_ grammar to provide a precise grammar. It is expected that the
+specification will be embedded into a larger system which offers framing such
+as comments, multiple line support via continuations, or other such features.
+The full grammar including annotations to build a useful parse tree is
+included at the end of the PEP.
+Versions may be specified according to the PEP-440 [#pep440]_ rules. (Note:
+URI is defined in std-66 [#std66]_::
+    version_cmp   = wsp* '<' | '<=' | '!=' | '==' | '>=' | '>' | '~=' | '==='
+    version       = wsp* ( letterOrDigit | '-' | '_' | '.' | '*' )+
+    version_one   = version_cmp version
+    version_many  = version_one (wsp* ',' version_one)*
+    versionspec   = ( '(' version_many ')' ) | version_many
+    urlspec       = '@' wsp* <URI_reference>
+Environment markers allow making a specification only take effect in some
+    marker_op     = version_cmp | 'in' | 'not in'
+    python_str_c  = (wsp | letter | digit | '(' | ')' | '.' | '{' | '}' |
+                     '-' | '_' | '*')
+    dquote        = '"'
+    squote        = '\\''
+    python_str    = (squote (python_str_c | dquote)* squote |
+                     dquote (python_str_c | squote)* dquote)
+    env_var       = ('python_version' | 'python_full_version' |
+                     'os_name' | 'sys_platform' | 'platform_release' |
+                     'platform_system' | 'platform_version' |
+                     'platform_machine' | 'python_implementation' |
+                     'implementation_name' | 'implementation_version' |
+                     'extra' # ONLY when defined by a containing layer
+                     )
+    marker_var    = env_var | python_str
+    marker_expr   = ('(' wsp* marker wsp* ')'
+                     | (marker_var wsp* marker_op wsp* marker_var))
+    marker        = wsp* marker_expr ( wsp* ('and' | 'or') wsp* marker_expr)*
+    quoted_marker = ';' wsp* marker
+Optional components of a distribution may be specified using the extras
+    identifier    = ( digit | letter | '-' | '_' | '.')+
+    name          = identifier
+    extras_list   = identifier (wsp* ',' wsp* identifier)*
+    extras        = '[' wsp* extras_list? ']'
+Giving us a rule for name based requirements::
+    name_req      = name wsp* extras? wsp* versionspec? wsp* quoted_marker?
+And a rule for direct reference specifications::
+    url_req       = name wsp* extras? wsp* urlspec wsp+ quoted_marker?
+Leading to the unified rule that can specify a dependency.::
+    specification = wsp* ( url_req | name_req ) wsp*
+Non line-breaking whitespace is mostly optional with no semantic meaning. The
+sole exception is detecting the end of a URL requirement.
+Python distribution names are currently defined in PEP-345 [#pep345]_. Names
+act as the primary identifier for distributions. They are present in all
+dependency specifications, and are sufficient to be a specification on their
+An extra is an optional part of a distribution. Distributions can specify as
+many extras as they wish, and each extra results in the declaration of
+additional dependencies of the distribution **when** the extra is used in a
+dependency specification. For instance::
+    requests[security]
+Extras union in the dependencies they define with the dependencies of the
+distribution they are attached to. The example above would result in requests
+being installed, and requests own dependencies, and also any dependencies that
+are listed in the "security" extra of requests.
+If multiple extras are listed, all the dependencies are unioned together.
+See PEP-440 [#pep440]_ for more detail on both version numbers and version
+comparisons. Version specifications limit the versions of a distribution that
+can be used. They only apply to distributions looked up by name, rather than
+via a URL. Version comparison are also used in the markers feature. The
+optional brackets around a version are present for compatibility with PEP-345
+[#pep345]_ but should not be generated, only accepted.
+Environment Markers
+Environment markers allow a dependency specification to provide a rule that
+describes when the dependency should be used. For instance, consider a package
+that needs argparse. In Python 2.7 argparse is always present. On older Python
+versions it has to be installed as a dependency. This can be expressed as so::
+    argparse;python_version<"2.7"
+A marker expression evalutes to either True or False. When it evaluates to
+False, the dependency specification should be ignored.
+The marker language is a subset of Python itself, chosen for the ability to
+safely evaluate it without running arbitrary code that could become a security
+vulnerability. Markers were first standardised in PEP-345 [#pep345]_. This PEP
+fixes some issues that were observed in the described in PEP-426 [#pep426]_.
+Comparisons in marker expressions are typed by the comparison operator.  The
+<marker-op> operators that are not in <version_cmp> perform the same as they
+do for strings in Python. The <version_cmp> operators use the PEP-440
+[#pep440]_ version comparison rules when those are defined (that is when both
+sides have a valid version specifier). If there is no defined PEP-440
+behaviour and the operator exists in Python, then the operator falls back to
+the Python behaviour. Otherwise the result of the operator is False.
+User supplied constants are always encoded as strings with either ``'`` or
+``"`` quote marks. Note that backslash escapes are not defined, but existing
+implementations do support them them. They are not included in this
+specification because none of the variables to which constants can be compared
+contain quote-requiring values.
+The variables in the marker grammar such as "os_name" resolve to values looked
+up in the Python runtime. With the exception of "extra" all values are defined
+on all Python versions today - it is an error in the implementation of markers
+if a value is not defined.
+Unknown variables must raise an error rather than resulting in a comparison
+that evaluates to True or False.
+Variables whose value cannot be calculated on a given Python implementation
+should evaluate to ``0`` for versions, and an empty string for all other
+The "extra" variable is special. It is used by wheels to signal which
+specifications apply to a given extra in the wheel ``METADATA`` file, but
+since the ``METADATA`` file is based on a draft version of PEP-426, there is
+no current specification for this. Regardless, outside of a context where this
+special handling is taking place, the "extra" variable should result in a
+SyntaxError like all other unknown variables.
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Marker
+     - Python equivalent
+     - Sample values
+   * - ``os_name``
+     - ``os.name``
+     - ``posix``, ``java``
+   * - ``sys_platform``
+     - ``sys.platform``
+     - ``linux``, ``darwin``, ``java1.8.0_51``
+   * - ``platform_machine``
+     - ``platform.machine()``
+     - ``x86_64``
+   * - ``python_implementation``
+     - ``platform.python_implementation()``
+     - ``CPython``, ``Jython``
+   * - ``platform_release``
+     - ``platform.release()``
+     - ``3.14.1-x86_64-linode39``, ``14.5.0``, ``1.8.0_51``
+   * - ``platform_system``
+     - ``platform.system()``
+     - ``Linux``, ``Windows``, ``Java``
+   * - ``platform_version``
+     - ``platform.version()``
+     - ``#1 SMP Fri Apr 25 13:07:35 EDT 2014``
+       ``Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, 25.51-b03, Oracle Corporation``
+       ``Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Wed Jul 29 02:18:53 PDT 2015;
+   * - ``python_version``
+     - ``platform.python_version()[:3]``
+     - ``3.4``, ``2.7``
+   * - ``python_full_version``
+     - ``platform.python_version()``
+     - ``3.4.0``, ``3.5.0b1``
+   * - ``implementation_name``
+     - ``sys.implementation.name``
+     - ``cpython``
+   * - ``implementation_version``
+     - see definition below
+     - ``3.4.0``, ``3.5.0b1``
+   * - ``extra``
+     - A SyntaxError except when defined by the context interpreting the
+       specification.
+     - ``test``
+The ``implementation_version`` marker variable is derived from
+    def format_full_version(info):
+        version = '{0.major}.{0.minor}.{0.micro}'.format(info)
+        kind = info.releaselevel
+        if kind != 'final':
+            version += kind[0] + str(info.serial)
+        return version
+    implementation_version = format_full_version(sys.implementation.version)
+Backwards Compatibility
+Most of this PEP is already widely deployed and thus offers no compatibiltiy
+There are however a few points where the PEP differs from the deployed base.
+Firstly, PEP-440 direct references haven't actually been deployed in the wild,
+but they were designed to be compatibly added, and there are no known
+obstacles to adding them to pip or other tools that consume the existing
+dependency metadata in distributions - particularly since they won't be
+permitted to be present in PyPI uploaded distributions anyway.
+Secondly, PEP-426 markers which have had some reasonable deployment,
+particularly in wheels and pip, will handle version comparisons with
+``python_version`` "2.7.10" differently. Specifically in 426 "2.7.10" is less
+than "2.7.9". This backward incompatibility is deliberate. We are also
+defining new operators - "~=" and "===", and new variables -
+``platform_release``, ``platform_system``, ``implementation_name``, and
+``implementation_version`` which are not present in older marker
+implementations. The variables will error on those implementations. Users of
+both features will need to make a judgement as to when support has become
+sufficiently widespread in the ecosystem that using them will not cause
+compatibility issues.
+Thirdly, PEP-345 required brackets around version specifiers. In order to
+accept PEP-345 dependency specifications, brackets are accepted, but they
+should not be generated.
+In order to move forward with any new PEPs that depend on environment markers,
+we needed a specification that included them in their modern form. This PEP
+brings together all the currently unspecified components into a specified
+The requirement specifier EBNF is lifted from setuptools pkg_resources
+documentation, since we wish to avoid depending on a defacto, vs PEP
+specified, standard.
+Complete Grammar
+The complete parsley grammar::
+    wsp           = ' ' | '\t'
+    version_cmp   = wsp* <'<' | '<=' | '!=' | '==' | '>=' | '>' | '~=' | '==='>
+    version       = wsp* <( letterOrDigit | '-' | '_' | '.' | '*' )+>
+    version_one   = version_cmp:op version:v -> (op, v)
+    version_many  = version_one:v1 (wsp* ',' version_one)*:v2 -> [v1] + v2
+    versionspec   = ('(' version_many:v ')' ->v) | version_many
+    urlspec       = '@' wsp* <URI_reference>
+    marker_op     = version_cmp | 'in' | 'not in'
+    python_str_c  = (wsp | letter | digit | '(' | ')' | '.' | '{' | '}' |
+                     '-' | '_' | '*')
+    dquote        = '"'
+    squote        = '\\''
+    python_str    = (squote <(python_str_c | dquote)*>:s squote |
+                     dquote <(python_str_c | squote)*>:s dquote) -> s
+    env_var       = ('python_version' | 'python_full_version' |
+                     'os_name' | 'sys_platform' | 'platform_release' |
+                     'platform_system' | 'platform_version' |
+                     'platform_machine' | 'python_implementation' |
+                     'implementation_name' | 'implementation_version' |
+                     'extra' # ONLY when defined by a containing layer
+                     ):varname -> lookup(varname)
+    marker_var    = env_var | python_str
+    marker_expr   = (("(" wsp* marker:m wsp* ")" -> m)
+                         | ((marker_var:l wsp* marker_op:o wsp* marker_var:r))
+                         -> (l, o, r))
+    marker        = (wsp* marker_expr:m ( wsp* ("and" | "or"):o wsp*
+                     marker_expr:r -> (o, r))*:ms -> (m, ms))
+    quoted_marker = ';' wsp* marker
+    identifier    = <( digit | letter | '-' | '_' | '.')+>
+    name          = identifier
+    extras_list   = identifier:i (wsp* ',' wsp* identifier)*:ids -> [i] + ids
+    extras        = '[' wsp* extras_list?:e ']' -> e
+    name_req      = (name:n wsp* extras?:e wsp* versionspec?:v wsp*
+                     -> (n, e or [], v or [], m))
+    url_req       = (name:n wsp* extras?:e wsp* urlspec:v wsp+ quoted_marker?:m
+                     -> (n, e or [], v, m))
+    specification = wsp* ( url_req | name_req ):s wsp* -> s
+    # The result is a tuple - name, list-of-extras,
+    # list-of-version-constraints-or-a-url, marker-ast or None
+    URI_reference = <URI | relative_ref>
+    URI           = scheme ':' hier_part ('?' query )? ( '#' fragment)?
+    hier_part     = ('//' authority path_abempty) | path_absolute |
path_rootless | path_empty
+    absolute_URI  = scheme ':' hier_part ( '?' query )?
+    relative_ref  = relative_part ( '?' query )? ( '#' fragment )?
+    relative_part = '//' authority path_abempty | path_absolute |
path_noscheme | path_empty
+    scheme        = letter ( letter | digit | '+' | '-' | '.')*
+    authority     = ( userinfo '@' )? host ( ':' port )?
+    userinfo      = ( unreserved | pct_encoded | sub_delims | ':')*
+    host          = IP_literal | IPv4address | reg_name
+    port          = digit*
+    IP_literal    = '[' ( IPv6address | IPvFuture) ']'
+    IPvFuture     = 'v' hexdig+ '.' ( unreserved | sub_delims | ':')+
+    IPv6address   = (
+                      ( h16 ':'){6} ls32
+                      | '::' ( h16 ':'){5} ls32
+                      | ( h16 )?  '::' ( h16 ':'){4} ls32
+                      | ( ( h16 ':')? h16 )? '::' ( h16 ':'){3} ls32
+                      | ( ( h16 ':'){0,2} h16 )? '::' ( h16 ':'){2} ls32
+                      | ( ( h16 ':'){0,3} h16 )? '::' h16 ':' ls32
+                      | ( ( h16 ':'){0,4} h16 )? '::' ls32
+                      | ( ( h16 ':'){0,5} h16 )? '::' h16
+                      | ( ( h16 ':'){0,6} h16 )? '::' )
+    h16           = hexdig{1,4}
+    ls32          = ( h16 ':' h16) | IPv4address
+    IPv4address   = dec_octet '.' dec_octet '.' dec_octet '.' Dec_octet
+    nz            = ~'0' digit
+    dec_octet     = (
+                      digit # 0-9
+                      | nz digit # 10-99
+                      | '1' digit{2} # 100-199
+                      | '2' ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4') digit # 200-249
+                      | '25' ('0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5') )# %250-255
+    reg_name = ( unreserved | pct_encoded | sub_delims)*
+    path = (
+            path_abempty # begins with '/' or is empty
+            | path_absolute # begins with '/' but not '//'
+            | path_noscheme # begins with a non-colon segment
+            | path_rootless # begins with a segment
+            | path_empty ) # zero characters
+    path_abempty  = ( '/' segment)*
+    path_absolute = '/' ( segment_nz ( '/' segment)* )?
+    path_noscheme = segment_nz_nc ( '/' segment)*
+    path_rootless = segment_nz ( '/' segment)*
+    path_empty    = pchar{0}
+    segment       = pchar*
+    segment_nz    = pchar+
+    segment_nz_nc = ( unreserved | pct_encoded | sub_delims | '@')+
+                    # non-zero-length segment without any colon ':'
+    pchar         = unreserved | pct_encoded | sub_delims | ':' | '@'
+    query         = ( pchar | '/' | '?')*
+    fragment      = ( pchar | '/' | '?')*
+    pct_encoded   = '%' hexdig
+    unreserved    = letter | digit | '-' | '.' | '_' | '~'
+    reserved      = gen_delims | sub_delims
+    gen_delims    = ':' | '/' | '?' | '#' | '(' | ')?' | '@'
+    sub_delims    = '!' | '$' | '&' | '\\'' | '(' | ')' | '*' | '+' |
',' | ';' | '='
+    hexdig        = digit | 'a' | 'A' | 'b' | 'B' | 'c' | 'C' | 'd' |
'D' | 'e' | 'E' | 'f' | 'F'
+A test program - if the grammar is in a string ``grammar``::
+    import os
+    import sys
+    import platform
+    from parsley import makeGrammar
+    grammar = """
+        wsp ...
+        """
+    tests = [
+        "name [fred,bar] @ http://foo.com ; python_version=='2.7'",
+        "name",
+        "name>=3",
+        "name>=3,<2",
+        "name[quux, strange];python_version<'2.7' and platform_version=='2'",
+        "name; os_name=='dud' and (os_name=='odd' or os_name=='fred')",
+        "name; os_name=='dud' and os_name=='odd' or os_name=='fred'",
+        ]
+    def format_full_version(info):
+        version = '{0.major}.{0.minor}.{0.micro}'.format(info)
+        kind = info.releaselevel
+        if kind != 'final':
+            version += kind[0] + str(info.serial)
+        return version
+    if hasattr(sys, 'implementation'):
+        implementation_version =
+        implementation_name = sys.implementation.name
+    else:
+        implementation_version = ''
+        implementation_name = ''
+    bindings = {
+        'implementation_name': implementation_name,
+        'implementation_version': implementation_version,
+        'os_name': os.name,
+        'platform_machine': platform.machine(),
+        'platform_release': platform.release(),
+        'platform_system': platform.system(),
+        'platform_version': platform.version(),
+        'python_full_version': platform.python_version(),
+        'python_implementation': platform.python_implementation(),
+        'python_version': platform.python_version()[:3],
+        'sys_platform': sys.platform,
+    }
+    compiled = makeGrammar(grammar, {'lookup': bindings.__getitem__})
+    for test in tests:
+      parsed = compiled(test).specification()
+      print(parsed)
+.. [#pip] pip, the recommended installer for Python packages
+   (http://pip.readthedocs.org/en/stable/)
+.. [#pep345] PEP-345, Python distribution metadata version 1.2.
+   (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0345/)
+.. [#pep426] PEP-426, Python distribution metadata.
+   (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0426/)
+.. [#pep440] PEP-440, Python distribution metadata.
+   (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/)
+.. [#std66] The URL specification.
+   (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986)
+.. [#parsley] The parsley PEG library.
+   (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/parsley/)
+This document has been placed in the public domain.
+   Local Variables:
+   mode: indented-text
+   indent-tabs-mode: nil
+   sentence-end-double-space: t
+   fill-column: 70
+   coding: utf-8
+   End:

On 10 November 2015 at 07:56, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> Pushed up this edit..
> On 9 November 2015 at 18:45, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
>> On 9 November 2015 at 17:55, Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com> wrote:
>>> The new version is looking pretty good to me!
>>> My main concern still is that specification of whitespace handling is
>>> still kinda confusing/underspecified. The text says "all whitespace is
>>> optional", but the grammar says that it's mandatory in some cases
>>> (e.g. url-marker, still not sure why -- I'd understand if it were
>>> mandatory before the ";" since ";" is a valid character in URLs, but
>>> it says it's mandatory afterward?), and the grammar is still wrong
>>> about whitespace in some cases (e.g. it says ">= 1.0" is an illegal
>>> versionspec).
>>> I guess the two options are either to go through carefully sprinkling
>>> *WSP's about at all the appropriate places, or else to tackle things
>>> more systematically by adding a lexer layer...
>> I'm happy either way. You are right though that there is one spot
>> where it is not optional. Thats how "url; marker stuff here"  is
>> defined in pip today. We could in principle define a new rule here,
>> such as putting markers before the url. But as markers aren't self
>> delimiting (blame PEP-345) that is a bit fugly. We could say 'url
>> 1*WSP ";" *WSP marker', which would be a bit more consistent, but
>> different to pip's current handling. Of course, the @ syntax is
>> already different, so it seems reasonable to do so to me.
> diff --git a/dependency-specification.rst b/dependency-specification.rst
> index 9e95417..6afe288 100644
> --- a/dependency-specification.rst
> +++ b/dependency-specification.rst
> @@ -84,8 +84,9 @@ URI is defined in std-66 [#std66]_::
>      version-cmp   = "<" / "<=" / "!=" / "==" / ">=" / ">"
>      version       = 1*( DIGIT / ALPHA / "-" / "_" / "." / "*" )
> -    version-inner = version-cmp version *(',' version-cmp version)
> -    versionspec   = ("(" version-inner ")") / version-inner
> +    version-one   = *WSP version-cmp *WSP version
> +    version-many  = version-one *(*WSP "," version-one)
> +    versionspec   = ("(" version-many ")") / version-many
>      urlspec       = "@" URI
>  Environment markers allow making a specification only take effect in some
> @@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ environments::
>                    =/ (marker-var [*WSP marker-op *WSP marker-var])
>      marker        = *WSP marker-expr *( *WSP ("and" / "or") *WSP marker-expr)
>      name-marker   = ";" *WSP marker
> -    url-marker    = ";" 1*WSP marker
> +    url-marker    = WSP ";" *WSP marker
>  Optional components of a distribution may be specified using the extras
>  field::
> @@ -131,7 +132,8 @@ Leading to the unified rule that can specify a dependency::
>  Whitespace
>  ----------
> -Non line-breaking whitespace is optional and has no semantic meaning.
> +Non line-breaking whitespace is mostly optional with no semantic meaning. The
> +sole exception is detecting the end of a URL requirement.
>  Names
>  -----
> --
> Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
> Distinguished Technologist
> HP Converged Cloud

Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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