[Distutils] command line versus python API for build system abstraction (was Re: build system abstraction PEP)

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 01:49:39 EST 2015

On 11 November 2015 at 16:19, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> On 11 November 2015 at 18:53, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 11 November 2015 at 08:44, Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 6:11 PM, Robert Collins
>>> <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
>>>> On 10 November 2015 at 15:03, Nathaniel Smith <njs at pobox.com> wrote:
>>> Similarly, we still have to specify how what the different operations
>>> are, what arguments they take, how they signal errors, etc. The point
>>> though is this specification will be shorter and simpler if we're
>>> specifying Python APIs than if we're specifying IPC APIs, because with
>>> a Python API we get to assume the existence of things like data
>>> structures and kwargs and exceptions and return values instead of
>>> having to build them from scratch.
>> I think the potentially improved quality of error handling arising
>> from a Python API based approach is well worth taking into account.
>> When the backend interface is CLI based, you're limited to:
>> 1. The return code
>> 2. Typically unstructured stderr output
>> This isn't like HTTP+JSON, where there's an existing rich suite of
>> well-defined error codes to use, and an ability to readily include
>> error details in the reply payload.
>> The other thing is that if the core interface is Python API based,
>> then if no hook is specified, there can be a default provider in pip
>> that knows how to invoke the setup.py CLI (or perhaps even implements
>> looking up the CLI to invoke from the source tree metadata).
> Its richer, which is both a positive and a negative. I appreciate the
> arguments, but I'm not convinced at this point.
> pip is going to be invoking a CLI *no matter what*. Thats a hard
> requirement unless Python's very fundamental import behaviour changes.
> Slapping a Python API on things is lipstick on a pig here IMO: we're
> going to have to downgrade any richer interface; and by specifying the
> actual LCD as the interface it is then amenable to direct exploration
> by users without them having to reverse engineer an undocumented thunk
> within pip.

I'm not opposed to documenting how pip talks to its worker CLI - I
just share Nathan's concerns about locking that down in a PEP vs
keeping *that* CLI within pip's boundary of responsibilities, and
having a documented Python interface used for invoking build systems.

However, I've now realised that we're not constrained even if we start
with the CLI interface, as there's still a migration path to a Python
API based model:

Now: documented CLI for invoking build systems
Future: documented Python API for invoking build systems, default
fallback invokes the documented CLI

So the CLI documented in the PEP isn't *necessarily* going to be the
one used by pip to communicate into the build environment - it may be
invoked locally within the build environment.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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