[Distutils] Towards a simple and standard sdist format that isn't intertwined with distutils

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 15:11:56 CEST 2015

On 5 October 2015 at 13:44, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
> [3] Unlike Paul, I think a Source Wheel is actually a decent name for this
>     concept. It's similar to .rpm and .src.rpm in that world, and I think it
>     makes it more obvious that this item isn't an installable item in it's own
>     right, that it exists in order to produce binary wheels. However, this
>     concept is currently being handled by the sdist "format", however
>     ambigiously defined that currently is. I also think it makes it a bit
>     easier to get rid of the ambigous "package", since we can just call them
>     all "wheels" which is easier to say than "distribution".

Being a Windows user, I hadn't caught the parallel between
Wheel-Source wheel and RPM-Source RPM (is there also a similar
deb-source deb pair?)

But if the concept works for people with a Linux background, I'm OK with it.

(My main concern is that end users commonly make requests to projects
saying "please provide wheels". I don't want that nice simple concept
to get confused, if we can avoid it).


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