[Distutils] Meeting info re: sdists

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 11:32:21 CEST 2015

On 14 October 2015 at 09:50, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> For illustration, consider a numpy extension, the version of numpy
> present in the build environment determines some of the
> install-requires. The sdist can build against a much wider range of
> numpy versions than the resulting binary can run against.

For my purposes, having the sdist depend on "numpy" and the wheel
depend on a specific version of numpy would be fine. In general, for
the uses I have in mind I'm not really interested in versions, mostly
just "package X depends on package Y".

Think of things like scripts to build a local package repository with
everything needed to install a particular set of packages. I'm not
worried about getting a minimal set of files, just getting all files
available for each package needed is good enough. (I know "pip wheel"
is more or less what I need for this specific case, my actual
requirements tend to be a bit more fiddly).

>> If there are dependencies that are only detectable at wheel build
>> time, then so be it (I'm still looking for an example, but it's clear
>> that the potential is there) but I'd like some way of getting at
>> whatever dependency information a wheel (source or binary) provides
>> via the PyPI JSON API - and I'd like an assurance that if dependency
>> information *can* be determined statically, it will be.
> That is exactly the intent.

Excellent, thanks.

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