[Distutils] PEP 503 - Simple Repository API

Wes Turner wes.turner at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 19:29:53 CEST 2015

On Sep 5, 2015 11:12 AM, "Donald Stufft" <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
> On September 5, 2015 at 5:43:58 AM, M.-A. Lemburg (mal at egenix.com) wrote:
> >
> I don't want to add more features to the API, particularly not in this
> longer term plan is to work on a a new API for installers to use which
will be
> easier to work with. The current API is great for it's simplicity and the
> it can be implemented on the server side with nothing more than a
> structure full of files and python -m http.server. The plan in my head is
> add a new repository API which can handle the more complex cases AND
which will
> most likely be JSON based to simplify parsing of it. The simple API would
> be deprecated, it would just be up to the repository which "version" of
the API
> they use. For people hosting their own repositories, if they have a
simple case
> they will be able to get away with the simple API, but the more complex
> would offer benefits like being able to access the metadata information
> downloading the file.

I would like to help with this.
There are resources with attributes
And representations (HTML, JSON -> RDFa, JSON-LD)
And schema.org/Action s (CRUD, star)

It's probably possible to convert to RDFa and JSONLD and add the existing
Without yet a PEP metadata 3.0.1

> -----------------
> Donald Stufft
> PGP: 0x6E3CBCE93372DCFA // 7C6B 7C5D 5E2B 6356 A926 F04F 6E3C BCE9 3372
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