[Distutils] wheel including files it shouldn't

Ethan Furman ethan at stoneleaf.us
Wed Apr 27 14:40:03 EDT 2016

On 04/27/2016 11:13 AM, Alex Grönholm wrote:

> Are you seriously saying that you want your bdists to include tests,
> documentation etc.?

However you and I agree or disagree on what should be in a bdist, the 
command I ran should have produced a bdist based on the sdists I just 
created in the same command.

> Most developers would not agree with you, including yours truly.

Well, we disagree.  To me, the salient difference between an sdist and a 
bdist is whether binary artifacts are, um, already built.  I certianly 
enjoy having docs (so I know how to use the binaries I just installed) 
and tests (so I can assure myself the binaries work as advertised).

If a project is big enough I can see making separate packages for docs 
and/or tests, but mine are small.

And whichever way we decide to do the packaging, the tools should work 
for us, not us for the tools.


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