[Distutils] test.pypi.org is now active

Anna Ravenscroft annaraven at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 18:52:44 EDT 2016

Great. Just making sure. Updating the chapter now.

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 3:41 PM, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:

> Yea, instead of testpypi.python.org you’d use test.pypi.org. Specifically
> for uploading you’d use something like:
> [testpypiorg]
> repository:https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
> username: <username>
> password: <password>
> For downloading it’d be something like test.pypi.org/simple/
> On Aug 1, 2016, at 6:39 PM, Anna Ravenscroft <annaraven at gmail.com> wrote:
> So for testing, we direct testpypi (in the pypirc) to test.pypi.org,
> right?
> On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 3:26 PM, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
>> Just an FYI, test.pypi.org is now active (this is the Warehouse instance
>> backed by Test PyPI). Once https://github.com/pypa/warehouse/pull/1416
>> is deployed and merged test.pypi.io will start to redirect to
>> test.pypi.org.
>> No changes to pypi.io have occurred yet, we’re still waiting on the EV
>> Certificate to be deployed for that.
>>>> Donald Stufft
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>> Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG at python.org
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> --
> cordially,
> Anna
>> Donald Stufft

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