[Distutils] license for setuptools

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 09:40:25 EDT 2016

On 13 Aug 2016 04:53, "Nick Timkovich" <prometheus235 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Might be wandering away from simply tacking on a license, but some
related legalese: Is there some canned contributor license agreement (CLA)
that could also be applied to make clear that contributors must license
their contributions to the project(s) in kind? Python has it's own (
https://www.python.org/psf/contrib/) but that seems very formal. Is there a
simpler one that just makes it implicit that 'submitting a patch/PR = you
agree to license that code to the project for redistribution" or whatever.

"Licence in = licence out" is the implied default for contributions when
there's no formal contributor agreement to specify otherwise. (I'm not
aware of any case law in any given jurisdiction to back that up, but it's a
sufficiently well established practice that it's highly unlikely to ever be
legally challenged)

The PSF has a CLA for CPython because the licensing history and hence the
associated licence are rather messy, and not something the PSF can use to
accept contributions.

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