[Distutils] Future of setuptools and buildout

Leonardo Rochael Almeida leorochael at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 12:58:38 EDT 2016

Spinning this off into its own thread...

On 16 August 2016 at 13:10, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:

> On Aug 16, 2016, at 11:15 AM, Leonardo Rochael Almeida <
> leorochael at gmail.com> wrote:
> Specifically, buildout right now has setuptools as its only dependence,
> and buildout uses it to locate, download and build sdist dependencies, or
> directly download and use .egg dependencies, which are important for
> Windows platforms in the communities that use buildout and depend on
> compiled extensions.
> Ah, I knew I was forgetting something. I think we should hold off on
> preventing egg uploads until setuptools can download and install wheels.

Which brings us to a question that I'm meaning to ask for a while.

It looks like we're close to removing all mentions of setuptools in pip.
When this happens, it looks like pressure is going to start to mount on
setuptools to drop the ability to install packages and limit itself on
being just a build tool.

It makes sense that it should be so, considering that there would be no
incentive to keep around two distinct implementations of how to locate,
download and install stuff, one in pip (or whatever library pip uses for
locating and installing packages) and another in setuptools.

In this future, I can imagine setuptools will simply complain loudly when
the packages it requires to do its work are not installed yet, perhaps with
a plugin mechanism for allowing another package to automatically resolve
and installing packages, (like today setuptools-git extends setuptools to
recognize files from git to be included in a package).

And people will promptly write a pip implementation of this plugin (or
whatever it is that pip will use as a library to do it)... thereby
inverting the dependency between setuptools and pip.

When this future arrives, buildout will be out of a mechanism for locating,
downloading and installing packages (not counting old versions of
setuptools, of course).


1. Is the future outlined above considered likely?

2. If this future arrives, what package should buildout be ported to use?
It should provide:

 * The ability to locate packages and their versions, resolve their
dependencies, and download them, whether they're sdists or wheels (or eggs,
while we still have them)
 * Install each package separately into it's own directory that, if added
to `sys.path`, allows this same package (or perhaps another one) to read
information from entry points so that buildout can locate its own
extensions and install console scripts.


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