[Distutils] PEP 527 - Removing Un(der)used file types/extensions on PyPI

Wes Turner wes.turner at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 12:15:01 EDT 2016

On Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 11:11 AM, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:

> > On Aug 25, 2016, at 11:46 AM, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at egenix.com> wrote:
> >
> > You may not be aware, but developers that work on both Windows
> > and Unix often have two sets of source code packages: one using
> > Windows line ends, the other using Unix ones.
> >
> > The Windows ones can also include code which is only relevant
> > on Windows while the Unix one includes parts that are only used
> > on Unix, so having two sets (ZIP for Windows and .tar.gz for Unix)
> > is a natural way to distribute your source code for those two
> > target systems.
> >
> > Standardizing on two sdist formats is fine, but artificially
> > limiting this to just one sdist upload removes useful
> > functionality.
> Well, except this doesn’t actually work in practice and anyone
> doing this has a broken sdist. Neither pip nor setuptools is going
> to consider a ``.tar.gz`` as a “Linux” sdist nor a ``.zip`` as a
> “Windows” sdist and which one they happen to pick is basically an
> implementation detail (in the latest version of pip, it’ll use
> whichever one appears first in the /simple/<whatever>/ page.

Is that because there wasn't an OrderedDict
(either in the data producer (pypi, warehouse) or in the data consumer
(pip, easy_install)?

> In fact people doing this (which I am entirely sure is not common,
> but I’m sure there is someone doing it) are likely to be the cause
> of the weird issues that this part of the PEP is attempting to
> prevent. Someone who happens to get the “Windows” sdist on Linux
> and then is incredibly confused when it doesn’t have the Linux pieces
> they need (and remember, none of the tooling supports the idea that
> .tar.gz is for Linux and .zip is for Windows, so who knows which one
> they’ll get). Of course, if the only difference is Windows vs Unix
> line endings it’ll be ~roughly fine because Unix line endings work
> fine on Windows, and Windows line endings work fine on Unix, but
> shipping line ending differences to the correct OS is not a good
> enough reason to keep this.
>> Donald Stufft
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