[Distutils] SOABI for Unicode ABI on 2.x (was: wheel 0.27.0 released)

Marius Gedminas marius at gedmin.as
Sat Feb 6 06:26:59 EST 2016

On Sat, Feb 06, 2016 at 09:18:39PM +1000, Nick Coghlan wrote:
> On 6 February 2016 at 20:35, Marius Gedminas <marius at gedmin.as> wrote:
> > FWIW the rationale Pyenv gave when they rejected a bug asking for UCS-4
> > builds by default was "we prefer to follow upstream defaults".
> In this case, the old defaults are dubious, but the upstream fix
> eliminated the relevant setting. Historically, it didn't really
> matter, since very few people were building their own Python for
> Linux.
> However, if that was pyenv's only reason for rejecting a switch to
> wide unicode builds, it may be worth trying again, this time pointing
> them to PEP 513 and the wide-build default for Python 2.7 wheels in
> the manylinux build environment.

Here's the issue, if you'd like to try: https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv/issues/257

(I don't use pyenv myself; all I know about this issue is from helping
other people debug problems on IRC.)

Marius Gedminas
Tilton's Law of Lisp Programming: if you do not need a metaclass, do not use a
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