[Distutils] How to build python-packages depends on the output of other project

Young Yang afe.young at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 22:35:01 EDT 2016


My current solution is like this

I get the source code of project A.   And use  `cmdclass={"install":
my_install},`  in my setup function in setup.py.

my_install is a subclass of `from setuptools.command.install import install`
class my_install(install):
    def run(self):
        # DO something I want. Such as compiling the code of project A and
copy the output of it (i.e. the .so file) to my binding folder

At last I  add these options in my setup function in setup.py to include
the shared library  in the install package.
      package_dir={'my_binding_package': 'my_binding_folder'},
          'my_binding_package': ['Shared_lib.so'],

But I think there should be better ways to achieve these.
Could anyone  give me any elegant examples to achieve the same goal?

Thanks in advance

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Young Yang <afe.young at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi,
> I'm writing python-binding for project A.
> My python-binding depends on the compile output of project A(It is a .so
> file), and the project A is not installed in the system(so we can't find
> the .so files in the system libraries pathes)
> What's the elegant way to package my python-binding, so that I can install
> everything by run `python setup.py` ?
> Any suggestions and comments will be appreciated :)
> --
> Best wishes,
> Young

Best wishes,
Young Yang
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