[Distutils] comparison of configuration languages
Alex Grönholm
alex.gronholm at nextday.fi
Tue May 10 05:01:52 EDT 2016
10.05.2016, 11:54, Paul Moore kirjoitti:
> On 10 May 2016 at 08:38, Alex Grönholm <alex.gronholm at nextday.fi> wrote:
>> A few facts:
>> YAML is good enough for Salt, Ansible and numerous other common tools
>> The YAML standard has been stable for many years, unlike TOML which still
>> hasn't even reached 1.0
>> YAML has widespread tooling support, unlike TOML
>> We all agree that JSON is not the solution. No comments, trailing commas
>> etc.
>> TOML isn't much better than ConfigParser in terms of representing nested
>> structures.
> Just as another data point, Cookiecutter started off using pyYAML,
> moved to ruamel.yaml, and ended up with their own (separated out into
> an independent project, but written specifically for Cookicutter)
> implementation of "some of" YAML, called poyo. I believe the reason
> they did this was repeated issues with the existing YAML libraries.
> And while the YAML-subset provided by poyo *looks* reasonable, I don't
> see any documentation of precisely *what* subset of YAML is
> implemented (apart from some examples). The poyo library is also very
> new, and I doubt it's seen much usage/testing outside of cookiecutter
> so far.
> I would love to use YAML. I really would. But for pip, we need a
> robust, easy to vendor Python implementation (with no C dependency)
> that is safe (see
> http://community.embarcadero.com/blogs/entry/yaml-and-remote-code-execution-38738).
> Writing our own is simply a way to end up with additional maintenance
> work, that we really don't have the resources for.
>> So far the ONLY objective problems with YAML seems to be the problematic
>> implementation named PyYAML. If this is really the case, I'd gladly help
>> build a better one just to prevent TOML from being chosen for this task.
> If you can get a robust, stable YAML library written fast enough to be
> an option for the PEP, then that would certainly be a possibility. But
> given that poyo has been under development for 5 months, are you going
> to be able to do better than that in a few weeks? (And see my comments
> above on poyo).
Probably not all on my own, but if I get collaborators, then why not.
The most important thing would be to have support for this so I know I'm
not wasting my time.
If PyYAML's test suite can be reused, that too would help a lot. Any new
implementation would have
to make sure they catch all the difficult corner cases.
>> That we're even considering building something as important as this on an
>> unstable standard is pretty horrifying to me in itself.
> Well, IMO, the state of things in terms of config file formats (and
> not just in Python) is itself pretty dreadful - every time I write an
> application, I am astounded that there are no good options for
> something as basic as a configuration file format.
> Paul
I've used PyYAML in safe mode with no problems, but the API
is...awkward, to say the least.
I'm not wondering why Donald is -1 on vendoring it to packaging tools.
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