[Distutils] Module Installation Issues

Steve Dower steve.dower at python.org
Tue Sep 13 19:09:36 EDT 2016

On 13Sep2016 1559, Matthew Brett wrote:
>> Perhaps a better idea would be to add some smarts to the REPL (but not to Python itself) that would detect something like:
>>>>> pip install
>> And print a better error message that gives a better indication about what’s gone wrong besides a SyntaxError?
> I was thinking the same thing.  If it could also catch accidental
>>>> python3 -m pip install
> commands, that would be even better.

I feel like these would deserve text adventure style errors:

 >>> pip install spam
I don't see a pip here

 >>> python
You're already running a Python!

 >>> pip uninstall eggs
You ask nicely, but pip refuses to uninstall from inside this shell.


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