[Distutils] Conditionless setup.py

Jeremy Stanley fungi at yuggoth.org
Fri Aug 25 08:44:48 EDT 2017

On 2017-08-25 07:37:23 -0500 (-0500), Ian Stapleton Cordasco wrote:
> Except that OpenStack frequently rejects outside use cases as I
> learned as an OpenStack developer who tried to improve PBR. Sadly
> it will never be seen as a global solution as long as that
> continues

Many projects frequently reject use cases regardless of their
proponents, if they don't fit with the scope as identified by their
maintainers. No project can be all things to all users and expect to
remain manageable in the long term.

I've not seen patches rejected out of hand because of who/where the
use case came from, and while I'm curious to know which change(s)
this was it's probably off-topic for this ML.
Jeremy Stanley
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