[Distutils] distlib and wheel metadata

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at gmail.com
Fri Feb 17 03:56:04 EST 2017

On 15 Feb 2017 23:28, "Paul Moore" <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:

So, in summary,

* I agree that libraries pinning dependencies too tightly is bad.
* Distributions can easily enough report such pins upstream when the
library is initially packaged, so there's no ongoing cost here (just
possibly a delay before the library can be packaged).

No, we can't easily do this. libraries.io tracks more than *two million*
open source projects. Debian is the largest Linux distribution, and only
tracks 50k packages.

That means it is typically going to be *app* developers that run into the
problem of inappropriately pinned dependencies and

So if we rely on a manual "publish with pinned dependencies", "get bug
report from redistributor or app developer", "republish with unpinned
dependencies", we'll be in a situation where:

- the affected app developer or redistributor is going to have a negative
experience with the project
- the responsible publisher is either going to have a negative interaction
with an end user or redistributor, or else they'll just silently move on to
find an alternative library
- we relinquish any control of the tone used when the publisher is alerted
to the problem

By contrast, if we design the metadata format such that *PyPI* can provide
a suitable error message, then:

- publishers get alerted to the problem *prior* to publication
- end users and redistributors are unlikely to encounter the problem
- we retain full control over the tone of the error notification

* Libraries can legitimately have appropriate pins (typically to
ranges of versions). So distributions have to be able to deal with
* Applications *should* pin precise versions. Distributions have to
decide whether to respect those pins or remove them and then take on
support of the combination that upstream doesn't support.
* But application pins should be in a requirements.txt file, so
ignoring version specs is pretty simple (just a script to run against
the requirements file).

Applications also get packaged as sdists and wheel files, so pydist.json
does need to handle that case.

Nick is suggesting that the requirement metadata be prohibited from
using exact pins, but there's alternative metadata for "yes, I really
mean an exact pin". To me:

1. This doesn't have any bearing on *application* pins, as they aren't
in metadata.
2. Distributions still have to be able to deal with libraries having
exact pins, as it's an explicitly supported possibility.
3. You can still manage (effectively) exact pins without being
explicit - foo >1.6,<1.8 pretty much does it. And that doesn't even
have to be a deliberate attempt to break the system, it could be a
genuine attempt to avoid known issues, that just got too aggressive.

People aren't going to do the last one accidentally, but they *will* use
"==" when transferring app development practices to library development.

So we're left with additional complexity for library authors to
understand, for what seems like no benefit in practice to distribution

- We'll get more automated conversions with pyp2rpm and similar tools that
"just work" without human intervention
- We'll get fewer negative interpersonal  interactions between upstream
publishers and downstream redistributors

It won't magically make everything all sunshine and roses, but we're
currently at a point where about 70% of pyp2rpm conversions fail for
various reasons, so every little bit helps :)

The only stated benefit of the 2 types of metadata is to
educate library authors of the benefits of not pinning versions - and
it seems like a very sweeping measure, where bug reports from
distributions seem like they would be a much more focused and just as
effective approach.

We've been playing that whack-a-mole game for years, and it sucks
enormously for both publishers and redistributors from a user experience

More importantly though, it's already failing to scale adequately, hence
the rise of technologies like Docker, Flatpak, and Snappy that push more
integration and update responsibilities back to application and service
developers. The growth rates on PyPI mean we can expect those scalability
challenges to get *worse* rather than better in the coming years.

By pushing this check down into the tooling infrastructure, the aim would
be to make the automated systems take on the task of being the "bad guy",
rather than asking humans to do it later.

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