[Distutils] ANNOUNCE: Sunsetting of uploading to the legacy PyPI/TestPyPI

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Fri Jun 23 06:44:21 EDT 2017

Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> writes:

> […] rewrite PyPI in order to solve a lot of long standing problems.
> For those who aren't aware, that is currently available at
> https://pypi.org/

Thank you to everyone involved in bringing this to fruition!

> For a awhile now, Python, setuptools, and twine have all defaulted to
> using this new code base for uploading artifacts to PyPI.

Where can we find the exact versions of each that default to ‘pypi.org’
for uploads?

> [‘pypi.org’] uses the same database that "Legacy" PyPI does, so the
> two are essentially just different views over the same data.

At what point does the big red warning banner (“ This is a
pre-production deployment of Warehouse.”) come down?

What is the cross-over period: ‘pypi.org’ as the primary recommendation,
while ‘pypi.python.org’ continues to work?

 \       “You can never entirely stop being what you once were. That's |
  `\   why it's important to be the right person today, and not put it |
_o__)                                 off until tomorrow.” —Larry Wall |
Ben Finney

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