[Distutils] [proposal] version-free + lookup-friendly dist-info location

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Fri Mar 17 09:34:13 EDT 2017

> On Mar 17, 2017, at 9:25 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17 March 2017 at 12:50, Leonardo Rochael Almeida
> <leorochael at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm +0 on this proposal (the lack of enthusiasm coming from the fact that
>> multiple projects will be affected), but I'm -lots on any proposal
>> forbidding installation of different versions in different directories.
> The comment I made was simply that having different versions in
> different directories *both of which are on sys.path at the same time*
> is invalid - it is now, and nothing I suggested changed anything, I
> was just suggesting documenting that fact. (That setup might work, as
> long as *all* of the files in the "inactive" version are completely
> shadowed by the active version, and yes that's normally the case, but
> nothing in the import or packaging infrastructure makes sure that's
> the case, so there's a risk of unexpected bugs).
> But whatever. If people don't want to document the restriction, that's
> OK. Doesn't mean it's going to work any better, of course :-)
> Paul
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Hmm, I believe it generally works fine does it not? The only situations I can think of where it does something funny are:

(1) PEP 420 namespace packages where a file was added or removed in one of the versions (since that is impossible to differentiate from two different projects using the same namespace)
(2) Uninstalling/Installing the same package during the lifetime of a process (which is already going to break in weird ways).

What scenarios are you seeing two installs of the same package into different sys.path directories fail?

Donald Stufft

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