[Distutils] Provisionally accepting PEP 517's declarative build system interface

Thomas Kluyver thomas at kluyver.me.uk
Wed May 31 13:59:23 EDT 2017

On Wed, May 31, 2017, at 06:03 PM, Donald Stufft wrote:
> generating a sdist is an important thing to have be possible, and it
> needs to be done in a way that it can be invoked generically.
I agree that it needs to be possible to make an sdist, but can we leave
the generic interface for it to be standardised later? At the moment, I
don't see an urgent need for a build-system independent 'make an sdist'
command, and it's wrapped up in this whole question of what an sdist is
and what you make it from (e.g. flit can make an sdist from a VCS, but
not from another sdist).
For pip, we seem to be using sdist as a proxy for 'get the files we need
to build this thing'. That's much easier to specify and causes less
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