[Distutils] RFH with a problem with pip 10 on Windows (AppVeyor)

Lele Gaifax lele at metapensiero.it
Wed Apr 25 12:37:05 EDT 2018

Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> writes:

> But TBH, how they choose to fix the issue is up to the cibuildwheel
> project. I genuinely don't know which option would be best for them.

Cosimo already alerted them, and proposed this:


Let's see what happens...

nickname: Lele Gaifax | Quando vivrò di quello che ho pensato ieri
real: Emanuele Gaifas | comincerò ad aver paura di chi mi copia.
lele at metapensiero.it  |                 -- Fortunato Depero, 1929.

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