[Distutils] draft PEP: manylinux2

Mark Williams mrw at twistedmatrix.com
Mon Feb 5 23:51:03 EST 2018

On Sat, Feb 03, 2018 at 12:11:51AM -0800, Nathaniel Smith wrote:
> Huzzah! This is an amazing bit of work, and I'm glad you got that
> weird email problem sorted out :-).

Me too!  I'd rather deal with Linux ABI fussiness than email any day
of the week.

> >    ABI. *[Citation for UCS ABI tags?]*
> For the citation: maybe PEP 3149? Or just https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/3075


> > Compilation of Compliant Wheels
> > ===============================
> >
> > Like ``manylinux1``, the ``auditwheel`` tool adds ```manylinux2``
> > platform tags to ``linux`` wheels built by ``pip wheel`` or
> > ``bdist_wheel`` a ``manylinux2`` Docker container.
> Missing word: "*in* a"


> > Docker Images
> > -------------
> > ... [8]_ These images come with a full compiler suite installed
> > (``gcc``, ``g++``, and ``gfortran`` 4.8.2) as well as the latest
> > releases of Python and ``pip``.
> We can and should use newer compiler versions than that, and probably
> upgrade them again over the course of the image's lifespan, so let's
> just drop the version numbers from the PEP entirely. (Maybe s/6.9/6/
> as well for the same reason.)

Wouldn't upgrading compiler versions potentially imply a change in
libgcc symbol versions?  If so, that would either require the PEP be
updated for each new compiler, or the removal of libgcc from the
library whitelist.

I may be overly paranoid about this.  Inspecting the manylinux2 image
as it stands now reveals that devtoolset-2 installs an archive of
libgcc into /opt/rh/devtoolset-2/root and not a shared object.
Inasmuch as NumPy's extension modules depend on code in libgcc, they
appear to statically link it in from this archive.  If that's a
reliable consequence of using devtoolset, then I think we should
remove libgcc from the whitelist, which would certainly allow the PEP
to remove any mention of compiler versions.

Can anybody with GCC or even devtoolset expertise weigh in?  In the
meantime I'll attempt to build an executable with gcc 7 that depends
on libgcc_s.so and run it against a gcc 4 installation.

I think it's a good idea to change CentOS 6.9 to CentOS 6, though!  It
looks like CentOS can release Update Sets (where .9 is the current
Update Set) even into the Maintenance phase of a release's lifetime:


I've made that change in the attached PEP.

> > Compatibility with kernels that lack ``vsyscall``
> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> This section is maybe not *strictly* necessary in the PEP but I think
> we might as well keep it; maybe someone will find it useful.

When I wrote this, building manylinux2 Docker image involved patching
glibc, so I felt it was appropriate to include it in the PEP.  Now
that I've that process to its own Docker image I'm not so sure (see
It'd be nice to keep around for posterity's sake, especially if I got
something dreadfully wrong, but I'd be OK with removing it in favor of
a footnote that links to this:


> > Backwards compatibility with ``manylinux1`` wheels
> > ==================================================
> > ...
> I'm a little confused about what this section is trying to say
> (especially the words "even when explicitly set"). Should we maybe
> just say something like:

I wanted to make it clear that even if you do this:

pip install --platform=manylinux2 ...

You might still get a manylinux1 wheel if no manylinux2 wheels are
available, as demonstrated by this test case:


That seemed right to me given that manylinuxes specify an upper bound
for library symbols; a manylinux1 wheel that depends only GLIBC at 2.5
symbols, for example, satisfies manylinux2's requirement of GLIBC <=
2.12.  Maybe that's not a fair inference to make, especially since
manylinux1 can depend on a installation of ncurses but manylinux2

> In general, systems that can use manylinux2 wheels can also use
> manylinux1 wheels; pip and similar installers should prefer manylinux2
> wheels where available.

That's more succinct - do you think it makes the point about
--platform clear enough?

> -n
> --
> Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org

(Changes are also available on GitHub:


PEP: 9999
Title: The manylinux2 Platform Tag
Version: $Revision$
Last-Modified: $Date$
Author: Mark  Williams <mrw at enotuniq.org>
BDFL-Delegate: Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>
Discussions-To: Distutils SIG <distutils-sig at python.org>
Status: Active
Type: Informational
Content-Type: text/x-rst


This PEP proposes the creation of a ``manylinux2`` platform tag to
succeed the ``manylinux1`` tag introduced by PEP 513 [1]_.  It also
proposes that PyPI and ``pip`` both be updated to support uploading,
downloading, and installing ``manylinux2`` distributions on compatible


True to its name, the ``manylinux1`` platform tag has made the
installation of binary extension modules a reality on many Linux
systems.  Libraries like ``cryptography`` [2]_ and ``numpy`` [3]_ are
more accessible to Python developers now that their installation on
common architectures does not depend on fragile development
environments and build toolchains.

``manylinux1`` wheels achieve their portability by allowing the
extension modules they contain to link against only a small set of
system-level shared libraries that export versioned symbols old enough
to benefit from backwards-compatibility policies.  Extension modules
in a ``manylinux1`` wheel that rely on ``glibc``, for example, must be
built against version 2.5 or earlier; they may then be run systems
that provide more recent ``glibc`` version that still export the
required symbols at version 2.5.

PEP 513 drew its whitelisted shared libraries and their symbol
versions from CentOS 5.11, which was the oldest supported CentOS
release at the time of its writing.  Unfortunately, CentOS 5.11
reached its end-of-life on March 31st, 2017 with a clear warning
against its continued use. [4]_ No further updates, such as security
patches, will be made available.  This means that its packages will
remain at obsolete versions that hamper the efforts of Python software
packagers who use the ``manylinux1`` Docker image.

CentOS 6 is now the oldest supported CentOS release, and will receive
maintenance updates through November 30th, 2020. [5]_ We propose that
a new PEP 425-style [6]_ platform tag called ``manylinux2`` be derived
from CentOS 6 and that the ``manylinux`` toolchain, PyPI, and ``pip``
be updated to support it.

The ``manylinux2`` policy

The following criteria determine a ``linux`` wheel's eligibility for
the ``manylinux2`` tag:

1. The wheel may only contain binary executables and shared objects
   compiled for one of the two architectures supported by CentOS 6:
   x86_64 or i686. [5]_
2. The wheel's binary executables or shared objects may not link
   against externally-provided libraries except those in the following
   whitelist: ::


   This list is identical to the externally-provided libraries
   whitelisted for ``manylinux1``, minus ``libncursesw.so.5`` and
   ``libpanelw.so.5``. [7]_ ``libpythonX.Y`` remains ineligible for
   inclusion for the same reasons outlined in PEP 513.

   On Debian-based systems, these libraries are provided by the packages:

   ============  =======================================================
   Package       Libraries
   ============  =======================================================
   libc6         libdl.so.2, libresolv.so.2, librt.so.1, libc.so.6,
                 libpthread.so.0, libm.so.6, libutil.so.1, libcrypt.so.1,
   libgcc1       libgcc_s.so.1
   libgl1        libGL.so.1
   libglib2.0-0  libgobject-2.0.so.0, libgthread-2.0.so.0, libglib-2.0.so.0
   libice6       libICE.so.6
   libsm6        libSM.so.6
   libstdc++6    libstdc++.so.6
   libx11-6      libX11.so.6
   libxext6      libXext.so.6
   libxrender1   libXrender.so.1
   ============  =======================================================

   On RPM-based systems, they are provided by these packages:

   ============  =======================================================
   Package       Libraries
   ============  =======================================================
   glib2         libglib-2.0.so.0, libgthread-2.0.so.0, libgobject-2.0.so.0
   glibc         libresolv.so.2, libutil.so.1, libnsl.so.1, librt.so.1,
                 libcrypt.so.1, libpthread.so.0, libdl.so.2, libm.so.6,
   libICE        libICE.so.6
   libX11        libX11.so.6
   libXext:      libXext.so.6
   libXrender    libXrender.so.1
   libgcc:       libgcc_s.so.1
   libstdc++     libstdc++.so.6
   mesa          libGL.so.1
   ============  =======================================================

3. If the wheel contains binary executables or shared objects linked
   against any whitelisted libraries that also export versioned
   symbols, they may only depend on the following maximum versions::


   As an example, ``manylinux2`` wheels may include binary artifacts
   that require ``glibc`` symbols at version ``GLIBC_2.4``, because
   this an earlier version than the maximum of ``GLIBC_2.12``.
4. If a wheel is built for any version of CPython 2 or CPython
   versions 3.0 up to and including 3.2, it *must* include a CPython
   ABI tag indicating its Unicode ABI.  A ``manylinux2`` wheel built
   against Python 2, then, must include either the ``cpy27mu`` tag
   indicating it was built against an interpreter with the UCS-4 ABI
   or the ``cpy27m`` tag indicating an interpeter with the UCS-2
   ABI. [8]_ [9]_
5. A wheel *must not* require the ``PyFPE_jbuf`` symbol.  This is
   achieved by building it against a Python compiled *without* the
   ``--with-fpectl`` ``configure`` flag.

Compilation of Compliant Wheels

Like ``manylinux1``, the ``auditwheel`` tool adds ```manylinux2``
platform tags to ``linux`` wheels built by ``pip wheel`` or
``bdist_wheel`` in a ``manylinux2`` Docker container.

Docker Images

``manylinux2`` Docker images based on CentOS 6 x86_64 and i686 are
provided for building binary ``linux`` wheels that can reliably be
converted to ``manylinux2`` wheels.  [10]_ These images come with a
full compiler suite installed (``gcc``, ``g++``, and ``gfortran``
4.8.2) as well as the latest releases of Python and ``pip``.

Compatibility with kernels that lack ``vsyscall``

A Docker container assumes that its userland is compatible with its
host's kernel.  Unfortunately, an increasingly common kernel
configuration breaks breaks this assumption for x86_64 CentOS 6 Docker

Versions 2.14 and earlier of ``glibc`` require the kernel provide an
archaic system call optimization known as ``vsyscall`` on x86_64. [11]_
To effect the optimization, the kernel maps a read-only page of
frequently-called system calls -- most notably ``time(2)`` -- into
each process at a fixed memory location.  ``glibc`` then invokes these
system calls by dereferencing a function pointer to the appropriate
offset into the ``vsyscall`` page and calling it.  This avoids the
overhead associated with invoking the kernel that affects normal
system call invocation.  ``vsyscall`` has long been deprecated in
favor of an equivalent mechanism known as vDSO, or "virtual dynamic
shared object", in which the kernel instead maps a relocatable virtual
shared object containing the optimized system calls into each
process. [12]_

The ``vsyscall`` page has serious security implications because it
does not participate in address space layout randomization (ASLR).
Its predictable location and contents make it a useful source of
gadgets used in return-oriented programming attacks. [13]_ At the same
time, its elimination breaks the x86_64 ABI, because ``glibc``
versions that depend on ``vsyscall`` suffer from segmentation faults
when attempting to dereference a system call pointer into a
non-existent page.  As a compromise, Linux 3.1 implemented an
"emulated" ``vsyscall`` that reduced the executable code, and thus the
material for ROP gadgets, mapped into the process. [14]_
``vsyscall=emulated`` has been the default configuration in most
distribution's kernels for many years.

Unfortunately, ``vsyscall`` emulation still exposes predicatable code
at a reliable memory location, and continues to be useful for
return-oriented programming. [15]_ Because most distributions have now
upgraded to ``glibc`` versions that do not depend on ``vsyscall``,
they are beginning to ship kernels that do not support ``vsyscall`` at
all. [16]_

CentOS 5.11 and 6 both include versions of ``glibc`` that depend on
the ``vsyscall`` page (2.5 and 2.12.2 respectively), so containers
based on either cannot run under kernels provided with many
distribution's upcoming releases. [17]_ Continuum Analytics faces a
related problem with its conda software suite, and as they point out,
this will pose a significant obstacle to using these tools in hosted
services.  [18]_ If Travis CI, for example, begins running jobs under
a kernel that does not provide the ``vsyscall`` interface, Python
packagers will not be able to use our Docker images there to build
``manylinux`` wheels. [19]_

We have derived a patch from the ``glibc`` git repository that
backports the removal of all dependencies on ``vsyscall`` to the
version of ``glibc`` included with our ``manylinux2`` image. [20]_
Rebuilding ``glibc``, and thus building ``manylinux2`` image itself,
still requires a host kernel that provides the ``vsyscall`` mechanism,
but the resulting image can be both run on hosts that provide it and
those that do not.  Because the ``vsyscall`` interface is an
optimization that is only applied to running processes, the
``manylinux2`` wheels built with this modified image should be
identical to those built on an unmodified CentOS 6 system.  Also, the
``vsyscall`` problem applies only to x86_64; it is not part of the
i686 ABI.


The ``auditwheel`` tool has also been updated to produce
``manylinux2`` wheels. [21]_ Its behavior and purpose are otherwise
unchanged from PEP 513.

Platform Detection for Installers

Platforms may define a ``manylinux2_compatible`` boolean attribute on
the ``_manylinux`` module described in PEP 513.  A platform is
considered incompatible with ``manylinux2`` if the attribute is

Backwards compatibility with ``manylinux1`` wheels

As explained in PEP 513, the specified symbol versions for
``manylinux1`` whitelisted libraries constitute an *upper bound*.  The
same is true for the symbol versions defined for ``manylinux2`` in
this PEP.  As a result, ``manylinux1`` wheels are considered
``manylinux2`` wheels.  A ``pip`` that recognizes the ``manylinux2``
platform tag will thus install ``manylinux1`` wheels for
``manylinux2`` platforms -- even when explicitly set -- when no
``manylinux2`` wheels are available. [22]_

PyPI Support

PyPI should permit wheels containing the ``manylinux2`` platform tag
to be uploaded in the same way that it permits ``manylinux1``.  It
should not attempt to verify the compatibility of ``manylinux2``


.. [1] PEP 513 -- A Platform Tag for Portable Linux Built Distributions
.. [2] pyca/cryptography
.. [3] numpy
.. [4] CentOS 5.11 EOL announcement
.. [5] CentOS Product Specifications
.. [6] PEP 425 -- Compatibility Tags for Built Distributions
.. [7] ncurses 5 -> 6 transition means we probably need to drop some
   libraries from the manylinux whitelist
.. [8] PEP 3149
.. [9] SOABI support for Python 2.X and PyPy
.. [10] manylinux2 Docker images
.. [11] On vsyscalls and the vDSO
.. [12] vdso(7)
.. [13] Framing Signals -- A Return to Portable Shellcode
.. [14] ChangeLog-3.1
.. [15] Project Zero: Three bypasses and a fix for one of Flash's Vector.<*> mitigations
.. [16] linux: activate CONFIG_LEGACY_VSYSCALL_NONE ?
.. [17] [Wheel-builders] Heads-up re: new kernel configurations breaking the manylinux docker image
.. [18] Due to glibc 2.12 limitation, static executables that use
   time(), cpuinfo() and maybe a few others cannot be run on systems
   that do not support or use `vsyscall=emulate`
.. [19] Travis CI
.. [20] remove-vsyscall.patch
.. [21] auditwheel manylinux2 branch
.. [22] pip manylinux2 branch


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