[Distutils] pipenv use cases

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Tue Jan 16 13:42:58 EST 2018

On 16 January 2018 at 17:36, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> Is there a library developer workflow that's being promoted then somewhere
> that I'm just not finding? Or does that need to be written for
> packaging.python.org (which I might be willing to write; see below for
> motivation)?

Possibly not as such, but there's a fairly broad consensus over such things as:

* Use tox to test your code against the versions you want to use
* Declare dependencies with install_requires and leave the version
requirements loose

Maybe some other things I'm not thinking of right now. But basically
most projects I see use a broadly similar structure, and they are all
libraries. There's nowhere near as many good examples of Python
applications that I know of, and little obvious consensus (for
example, there's nothing I've ever seen that suggests a "standard"
method of deploying applications - the nearest thing I know of is
"write the app as a library and use a console entry point", which is
pretty much the opposite of a separate app development standard :-)

> At least from a VS Code perspective it would be great to have a target of
> supporting the workflows as documented at packaging.python.org so people
> know how they should generally structure things as well as making sure VS
> Code always supports the modern workflows. Also being able to say "your
> workflow is not normal" is also always helpful when dealing with feature
> requests. :)

That's my feeling too - if we have reasonable community consensus on
"normal workflows", it's a lot easier to define boundaries on what
applications like pipenv or VS Code will support. Consensus is hard to
come by, though...


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