[Distutils] Fwd: Re: Pip 10 is nearing release

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Fri Mar 16 05:20:31 EDT 2018

On 16/03/2018 09:08, Paul Moore wrote:
> After much work, we're pleased to announce that pip 10 is finally
> nearing release. We're planning on releasing a beta version over the
> weekend of 31 Mar/1 Apr, with the final release to follow about a
> fortnight after (assuming no major issues are found).
> Hopefully, as many people as possible will be able to test the new
> version of pip during the beta period (or before - it's possible to
> install pip from github if you don't want to wait!) 
Paul, am I right in thinking that this:


is the place to look if we want an advanced preview?


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