[Distutils] PEP 541 - Accepted

Mark Mangoba mmangoba at python.org
Fri Mar 23 11:14:13 EDT 2018

Hi All,

As the BDFL-Delegate,  I’m happy to announce PEP 541 has been accepted.

PEP 541 has been voted by the packaging-wg (https://wiki.python.org/psf/P

   - Donald Stufft
   - Dustin Ingram
   - Ernest W. Durbin III
   - Ewa Jodlowska
   - Kenneth Reitz
   - Mark Mangoba
   - Nathaniel J. Smith
   - Nick Coghlan
   - Nicole Harris
   - Sumana Harihareswara

Thank you to the packaging-wg and to everyone that has contributed to PEP

Best regards,

Mark Mangoba | PSF IT Manager | Python Software Foundation |
mmangoba at python.org | python.org | Infrastructure Staff:
infrastructure-staff at python.org | GPG: 2DE4 D92B 739C 649B EBB8 CCF6 DC05
E024 5F4C A0D1
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