[Distutils] Any thoughts on supporting e.g. Alpine Linux? (was: PEP 571: Any further manylinux2010 concerns or questions?

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Sat Mar 31 11:40:52 EDT 2018

> On Mar 31, 2018, at 11:18 AM, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> wrote:
> The discussion of distro-specific wheels has been brought up. I believe they are technically supported if you have your own index server, but PyPI doesn't, I believe, to keep an explosion of wheels people can't widely use down.
> Currently, if you want to cover all formats PyPI supports you need to produce 5 wheels. Adding a musl-based wheel format would bump that to 7 (as I assume musl supports 23 and 64-bit OSs).
> For me, the questions of whether to support musl-based wheels on PyPI is will there be enough users to justify the cost to all project maintainers to produce 2 more wheels per release and what would the manylinux-equivalent spec look like (since it would have to be generic and not specific to Alpine)?

I don’t think PyPI has any reason not to add more possible wheel variants, ultimately it comes down to the authors to decide which variants it makes sense to support. A MUSL version of manylinux might be very reasonable, or it might be crazy hard to nail down. I also don’t think there’s any reason we can’t have a PEP that figured out a standard format for distro specific wheels, and just let people produce alpine linux specific wheels (authors could just not produce say, ubuntu specific wheels and say they’re already covered by manyinux, or they could produce ubuntu specific if they want to rely on apt-get installed C libraries).
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